
海塘聚落的环境与生计——以杭州湾北岸海宁为中心 被引量:1

Environment and Livelihood of Seawall Settlements——Centered on Haining District on the North Bank of Hangzhou Bay
摘要 清中期以来杭州湾北岸的海宁平原属于典型的冲刷岸,沿岸滩涂发育不良,盐业生产因卤水资源缺失而衰退,但由于鱼鳞大石塘的的全线筑成,其所提供的安全环境使得海塘以内旧盐区的土地利用方式发生了由盐业向农业的显著转型。与此相适应,海塘聚落的生计方式由原来以盐业为主,向盐、渔、农兼营的经济类型过渡,并最终在20世纪后半期全面演化为以稻作为主的农业种植区。海宁海塘聚落的生计史经验说明,江海交汇处水文形势的变化以及海塘技术的改进,是制约海岸地区人居环境、土地利用方式和生计模式的极为重要的因素,技术高超而坚固的大海塘对潮害的抵御作用,不仅使冲刷岸的岸线保持相对稳定,而且使塘内农业经济得到持续的发展。同时我们也看到,即便有海塘的庇护,冲刷岸地区的盐业经济依然走向衰退,这主要与滩涂发育的缓滞乃至坍减有关。 Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty,Haining Plain on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay has been a typical sloughing bank.The coastal shoals are poorly developed,and the salt industry production has declined due to the lack of brine resources.However,due to the construction of the whole-lined great seawall,the safety environment provided by it has made the land use mode of the old salt areas within the seawall undergo a significant transformation from salt industry to agriculture.In line with this,the livelihood mode of the seawall settlements has changed from the original salt based economy to the diversified economy of salt,fishing and agriculture,and finally evolved into an agricultural planting area dominated by rice in the second half of the 20th century.The historical living experience of Haining seawall settlements shows that the change of hydrological situation at the estuarial area and the improvement of seawall technology are extremely important factors that restrict the living environment,land use mode and livelihood mode in coastal areas.The defense effect of great seawall with advanced and solid technology against tide damage not only makes the shoreline of the bank relatively stable,but also makes the agricultural economy behind the seawall develop continuously.At the same time,we can also see that even with the shelter of the seawall,the salt industry economy in the sloughing coastal area is still declining,which is mainly related to the slow development and even collapse of the intertidal zone and beach.
作者 吴俊范 Wu Junfan(Department of History,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期156-166,共11页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 2020年度国家社科基金重大项目“7—20世纪长江三角洲海岸带环境变迁史料的搜集、整理与研究”(项目批准号:20&ZD231)的阶段性成果。
关键词 海岸带 海塘 杭州湾 生态环境 生计 coastal zone seawall Hangzhou Bay ecological environment livelihood
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