
腐熟菌剂与配施辅料对奶牛粪堆肥理化性质及菌群结构的影响 被引量:3

Effects of decay agents and auxiliary materials on physicochemical properties and microbiota structure of dairy cow manure compost
摘要 【目的】探讨腐熟菌剂与配施辅料对奶牛粪堆肥过程中理化性质及菌群结构的影响。【方法】以奶牛粪为堆肥原料,配施腐熟菌剂与稻壳粉、麦麸、脱硫石膏,通过测定堆肥过程中堆体的理化性质变化及堆肥结束时堆体中的菌群结构,阐明腐熟菌剂与配施辅料对堆肥理化性质及菌群结构的影响。【结果】T1~T4处理升温期堆体发酵时长较CK减少1~2 d,高温期(>50℃)发酵时长较CK增加2~6 d。T1、T3、T4处理堆体的含水率较CK显著降低(P<0.05,下同)。不同发酵时期堆体的电导率均小于4.00 mS/cm。升温期堆体有机质下降42.28%~47.98%,T4处理显著高于其他处理。T1~T4处理堆体中小白菜发芽指数在高温期和降温期快速升高,显著高于CK。随堆肥持续,T1~T4处理堆体pH由8.40降为7.30~7.63,全氮呈先降后升趋势,碳氮比由32.31降为9.01~10.90,堆肥结束时T1~T4处理和CK堆体细菌群落在门、属水平上优势菌群相对丰度存在差异。AMOVA分析显示,与CK相比,T1~T4处理堆体细菌群落结构呈极显著差异(P<0.01);MetaState分析显示,存在极显著差异的菌属有:小单孢菌属(Micromonospora)、嗜热纤维梭菌属(Thermoclostridium)、甲烷八叠球菌属(Methanosarcina)、赖氨酸芽孢杆菌属(Lysinibacillus)、SAR324_clade(Marine_group_B);CCA分析表明,影响堆体细菌群落结构的理化指标依次为:OM>EC>TN>pH>MC。【结论】主成分综合得分法评价显示,T3处理,即奶牛粪+菌剂0.1%+稻壳粉1%+麦麸1%,为最佳堆肥方案。 【Objective】The study aimed to investigate the effects of rotten fungi and auxiliary materials on the physicochemical properties and bacterial structure of dairy manure compost.【Method】Using cow manure as compost raw materials,applying decomposing inoculant,rice husk powder,wheat bran and desulfurization gypsum,the effects of decomposing inoculant and auxiliary materials on the physicochemical properties and bacterial structure of compost were clarified by measuring the changes of physical and chemical properties during the composting process and the bacterial structure at the end of composting.【Result】The fermentation time of T1-T4 treatments during the warming period decreased by 1-2 days compared with CK,and the fermentation time in the high temperature period(50 ℃) increased by 2-6 days compared with CK.The moisture content of T1,T3 and T4 treatments was significantly lower than that of CK(P0.05,the same as below).The conductivity of the composting body was less than 4.00 mS/cm during different fermentation periods.During the warming period,the organic matter decreased by 42.28%-47.98%,and the T4 treatment was significantly higher than that of other treatments.The germination index of Chinese cabbage in T1-T4 treated piles increased rapidly during the high temperature period and cooling period,which was significantly higher than that of CK.With the continuation of composting,the pH of T1-T4 treatment decreased from 8.40 to 7.30-7.63,total nitrogen showed a trend of first decreasing and then rising,the carbon-nitrogen ratio decreased from 32.31 to 9.01-10.90,and there was a difference in the relative abundance of dominant flora at the phylum and genus level between T1-T4 treatment and CK bacterial community at the end of composting.AMOVA analysis showed that comparing T1-T4 treatment with CK the bacterial community structure was significant different(P0.01);MetaState analysis showed that the bacterial genera with very significant differences were Micromonospora,Thermoclostridium,Methanosarcina,Lysinibacillus,SAR324_clade(Marine_group_B);CCA analysis showed that the physicochemical properties affecting the structure of bacterial communities were OMECTNpHMC.【Conclusion】 The evaluation of principal component comprehensive score method showed that T3 treatment,namely cow manure +0.7% of decomposing inoculant +1% of rice husk powder + 1% of wheat bran,is the best composting scheme.
作者 朱建伟 毕江涛 李文兵 贾渊超 毛瑞璠 ZHU Jian-wei;BI Jiang-tao;LI Wen-bing;JIA Yuan-chao;MAO Rui-fan(School of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;School of Ecological Environment,Ningxia University,Yin-chuan 750021,China)
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期1725-1736,共12页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 宁夏回族自治区重大专项(2018ZDKJ0312) 银川市西夏区科技计划项目(022005050004)。
关键词 奶牛粪 好氧堆肥 腐熟度 稻壳粉 麦麸 脱硫石膏 微生物群落结构 Cow manure Aerobic composting Maturity Rice husk powder Wheat bran Desulfurized gypsum Microbial community struc-ture
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