

Dynamic Track Tension Control System Based on Fuzzy PID
摘要 履带张紧力是影响履带可靠性的主要因素,保持履带张紧力的稳定性有利于提高履带服役寿命,使整车在越野工况中发挥出优越的性能。在对托带轮、负重轮、诱导轮以及履带张紧器的几何关系及受力分析的基础上,建立了履带张紧力的理论估算模型,通过与多体动力学仿真结果进行比较,验证了履带张紧力理论估算模型的正确性。在此基础上,基于模糊比例‑积分‑微分(proportional‑integral‑derivative,简称PID)控制理论设计了一种履带张紧力控制系统,可通过转动诱导轮曲臂来调整履带的松紧度。仿真结果表明:该控制系统能够快速、准确地达到期望履带张紧力,可有效地抑制车体振动的情况及托带轮所受履带的冲击载荷,增加了履带车辆行驶的可靠性。与传统的诱导轮固定方式相比,该控制系统可有效降低接地段履带的动态张力,且没有加剧履带脱轮的风险。 Track tension is the main factor that affects the reliability of the track.Maintaining the stability of the track tension is conducive to improve the service life of the track,and meanwhile to enable the vehicle body to exert superior performance in off-road conditions.This paper establishes a theoretical estimation model of the track tension through the geometric relationship and force analyses of the free body diagrams among the supporting roller,road wheel,idler,and track tensioner.The comparison with the simulation results of multi-body dynamics verifies the rationality of the theoretical estimation model of track tension.On this basis,a track tension control system is designed in terms of fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative(PID)control.The tightness of the track can be adjusted by rotating the crank arm of the idler.The simulation results show that the control system can quickly and accurately achieve the expected track tension.Compared with the fixing method of idler,this control system effectively reduces the dynamic track tension of the crawler in the grounding section,and reduces the track tension while not increasing the risk of the track slipping off the wheel.Further,the vibration of the vehicle body and the impact load of the track on the supporting roller are effectively suppressed,and the reliability of the track vehicle is increased.
作者 陈兵 马凯璇 刘洋 冯占宗 赵韬硕 孙志辉 CHEN Bing;MA Kaixuan;LIU Yang;FENG Zhanzong;ZHAO Taoshuo;SUN Zhihui(School of Mechanical Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing,100083,China;China North Vehicle Research Institue Beijing,100072,China)
出处 《振动.测试与诊断》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期872-879,1035,共9页 Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(FRF-GF-19-009B)。
关键词 履带张紧力 诱导轮 数学模型 模糊PID RecurDyn+Matlab/Simulink联合仿真 track tension idler mathematical model fuzzy PID RecurDyn+Matlab/Simulink co-simulation
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