The development of potential theory heightens the understanding of fundamental interactions in quantum systems.In this paper,the bound state solution of the modified radial Klein–Gordon equation is presented for generalised tanh-shaped hyperbolic potential from the Nikiforov–Uvarov method.The resulting energy eigenvalues and corresponding radial wave functions are expressed in terms of the Jacobi polynomials for arbitrary l states.It is also demonstrated that energy eigenvalues strongly correlate with potential parameters for quantum states.Considering particular cases,the generalised tanh-shaped hyperbolic potential and its derived energy eigenvalues exhibit good agreement with the reported findings.Furthermore,the rovibrational energies are calculated for three representative diatomic molecules,namely H2,HCl and O2.The lowest excitation energies are in perfect agreement with experimental results.Overall,the potential model is displayed to be a viable candidate for concurrently prescribing numerous quantum systems.