
走向人性化的存在 被引量:2

The Trend of Humanization
摘要 作为人之为人的根本特征,人性既在潜在意义上以可能为其存在品格,也表现为应然意义上的人应当追求的理想形态和应当承认的存在形态;后一意义上的人性,首先以肯定人是目的并相应地具有内在价值为内容。与人性的以上二重涵义相应,人性化演进趋向一方面展开为一个成就人性的过程;另一方面也以合乎人性为其指向,与之相联系的是实现人是目的这一内在价值规定和人的自由追求。无论呈现为实然意义,抑或以应然为存在形态,人性都具有历史性,人性化过程的内涵则随着历史的变迁而不断深化,后者既体现了人类价值观念的演进,也包含着相关进程的深沉内蕴,从传统的大同理想,到现时代的人类命运共同体,再到未来社会自由人的联合体,可以视为以上历史走向的具体展现。上述过程的实现,既需要个体的修为,也离不开社会的制约,在所谓“价值中立”的前提下拒斥合理的价值引导,将导向虚无主义。按其实质,作为人性化过程的两个方面,成就人性和合乎人性相互关联,其现实形态则展开为成己与成物的统一。 As the fundamental feature of human qua human,human nature not only embodies potential existences as its character,but also manifests an ideal form of existence that every human being should pursue and every society ought to recognize.Human nature in the latter sense affirms,in the first place,that the man is an end and thereby enjoys an intrinsic value.On the one hand,corresponding to the dual meaning of human nature discussed above and based on the trend of humanization,the evolution of human beings unfolds itself as a process of achieving human nature,that is,with its specific content being gradually manifested through the development of rational abilities and emotional tendencies,which ascend from mere possibility up to true actuality,and the opposite tendencies of evil being suppressed at the same time.On the other hand,however,the evolution of human beings also points to humanity itself,which is interlinked with an intrinsic value of realizing goals of human beings and seeking for human freedom.Whether presented through its actual meaning or merely within its potential form of existence,human nature is always endowed with a historical significance.The process of humanization,which is entwined with human nature,has been constantly deepened with the change in history,the latter of which not only reflects an evolution of similar values but contains deep connotations of the former process as well.To realize this process,both the cultivation of human individuals and the constraints from society are required.Under the pretext of a so-called"value neutrality",rejection of the guidance of rational values will lead to nihilism without doubt.According to their very essences,"achieving human nature"and"conforming to human nature",which are two aspects of one and the same process of humanization,are closely interconnected with each other,while their practical form is disclosed in real human life as a unity of"self"and"object".
作者 杨国荣 Yang Guorong
出处 《哲学研究》 北大核心 2023年第8期52-62,128,共12页 Philosophical Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“以人观之:历史变局中人的存在研究”(编号22JJD720011) 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“中国传统文化中的人类命运共同体价值观基础研究”(编号21JZD018) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“伦理学知识体系的当代中国重建”(编号19ZDA033) 山东省“曾子研究院” 江苏省“公民道德与社会风尚协同创新中心”的阶段性成果。
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