

Resource Recovery from Urine Wastewater in CELSS by A Nitrification Reactor
摘要 针对环控生保系统(CELSS)中尿液废水的处理与回用需求,构建了单级生物硝化反应器,以完成废水中有机物的矿化处理,并实现对其中的氮素的硝化处理,以便进一步资源化利用。在389 d的试验周期内进行了反应器启动、驯化,并完成对不同浓度尿液废水的处理效能研究,考察了生物反应器对不同尿液浓度废水的有机物矿化、氮素转化性能。对尿液体积分数10%的生活废水,稳定运行时可实现97%的总有机碳(TOC)去除率,97%的硝酸盐转化率,碱度消耗约为34 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN;对尿液体积分数40%的生活废水,可实现99%的TOC去除率,52%的硝酸盐转化率,碱度消耗约为234 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN;对纯尿液,可实现99%的TOC去除率,以及50%的硝酸盐转化率,碱度消耗约为146 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN。从反应器的活性污泥中检测出高丰度的硝化细菌。经历驯化后,硝化反应器在长达261 d内对航天生活废水保持了较高的有机物去除率。对尿液体积分数10%的生活废水,使水力停留时间(HRT)保持278 d;对尿液体积分数40%的生活废水,使HRT保持833 d;可在以上工艺条件下实现较高的硝酸盐转化率,初步验证了该工艺作为载人航天生活废水处理单元的应用潜力。 A nitrification reactor was established to treat the urine waste water in CELSS for organic mineralization and nitrogen recovery from the stream.In the 389d experiment,the reactor initiation and acclimation was conducted,and the organic mineralization and nitrification efficiency for the wastewater with different fraction of urine was investigated.The experimental results indicated that for domestic wastewater with 10 vol%of urine,the TOC removal efficiency was 97%,the nitrate re⁃covery efficiency was 97%,and the alkalinity consumption was 3.4 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN;For domestic wastewater with 40 vol%of urine,the TOC removal efficiency was 99%,the nitrate recovery effi⁃ciency was 52%,and the alkalinity consumption was 2.34 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN;For pure urine,the TOC removal efficiency was 99%,the nitrate recovery efficiency was 50%,and the alkalinity con⁃sumption was 1.46 mg CaCO_(3)/mgN.The microbial community of the sludge samples had high abun⁃dance of nitrifying bacteria.After acclimation,the nitrification reactor exhibited a steady perform⁃ance for organic mineralization within 261 days.When the HRT was adjusted to 2.78 d for wastewater with 10 vol%,or 8.33 d for wastewater with 40 vol%,a high nitrate recovery efficiency could be achieved,which suggested its feasibility to treat the domestic wastewater for manned space missions.
作者 詹承博 张良长 薛玉荣 艾为党 董文艺 ZHAN Chengbo;ZHANG Liangchang;XUE Yurong;AI Weidang;DONG Wenyi(School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen),Shenzhen 518055,China;Space Institute of Southern China,Shenzhen 518117,China;China Astronaut Research and Training Center,Beijing 100094,China;College of Environment and Resources,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期659-666,共8页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 人因工程重点实验室基金资助项目(6142222200710,SYFD061908)。
关键词 受控生态生命保障系统 生物硝化 尿液废水 氮素回收 Controlled Ecological Life Support System biological nitrification urine wastewater nitrogen recovery
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