

The Realistic Dilemma and Optimization Path of“Teacher Rotation”in Kindergartens-An Empirical Study Based on Kindergarten Teachers in Guangdong Province
摘要 随着“保教一体化”理念在国际上的日渐兴盛,具有促进保教结合理念落实、打造综合保教师资队伍等优势的“教师轮保”模式逐渐受到我国学前教育实践一线的广泛关注。为了解当下实践一线对幼儿园“教师轮保”模式的态度及建议,采用自编问卷对广东省349名幼儿园教师进行了问卷调查,同时结合对3名教师和2名园长的深度访谈,结果发现无论有无轮保经历,幼儿园教师总体上对轮保模式持支持态度,尽管有过实际轮保经历的幼儿园教师满意度并不高;且相对于教龄5年以下、未生育、本科学历、无编制及公办园的幼儿园教师而言,拥有更长教龄、已生育、大专学历、有编制、民办园的幼儿园教师更认可并支持轮保模式。建议从强化职业认知,树立正确的保教观念、增强职业承诺,提升教师轮保工作认可度、提高职业补偿,增强“教师轮保”模式的吸引力来优化该模式,真正实现幼儿园“保教一体化”。 With the increasing popularity of the concept of“integration of health care and education”in the world,the“teacher rota⁃tion”model,which has the advantages of promoting the implementation of the concept of combining health care and education and building a comprehensive education teacher team,has gradually received extensive attention from the front line of preschool education practice in our country,and has become an advanced education model sought after by major kindergartens.In order to understand the current attitude and suggestions of the front-line teachers toward the“teacher rotation”mode in kindergartens,a self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 349 kindergarten teachers in Guangdong Province,combined with in-depth interviews with 3 teachers and 2 kindergarten principals,the results showed that kindergarten teachers generally supported the“teacher rotation”mode regard⁃less of whether or not they had rotation insurance experience,although the satisfaction of kindergarten teachers who have had actual ro⁃tation experience is not high;Compared with teachers in public kindergartens who are with bachelor’s degree,no authorization,less than 5 years’working experience,and who haven’t given birth,kindergarten teachers in private kindergartens who are with college education,authorization,longer teaching experience,and who have given birth,more recognized and supported the rotation model.It is suggested to strengthen professional cognition,establish the correct concept of education,enhance professional commitment,en⁃hance the recognition of teacher rotation,improve professional compensation,enhance the attractiveness of“teacher rotation”mode to optimize the“teacher rotation”mode,and truly realize the“integration of education and education”in kindergartens.
作者 海鹰 陈露露 龚思阳 HAI Ying;CHEN Lu-lu;GONG Si-yang(College of Education,Shenzhen Polytechnic University,Shenzhen 518055,China;The No.2 Kindergarten of Huizhou Administration,Huizhou 516000,China;School of Education,Xuchang University,Xuchang 461000,China)
出处 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2023年第10期103-112,共10页 Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023年度学科共建项目(GD23XJY88) 广东省教育科学“十三五”规划2020年度课题(2020GXJK121) 深圳市教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度重大招标课题(zdazb21002) 深圳职业技术大学2023年度科研启动项目(6023312009S)。
关键词 轮保态度 教师轮保 幼儿园教师 保教一体化 attitude towards teacher rotation teacher rotation kindergarten teachers integration of health care and education
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