

Correlation between Microstructural Diversity and Total Flavonoids Content Aboveground Parts of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg
摘要 为揭示不同种源地三叶青(Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg)茎、叶显微结构多样性,及其与地上部分总黄酮含量的相关性,以49个三叶青种质资源(简称“资源”)为研究对象,对各资源茎、叶的16个比例性状进行比较,采用相关性分析对茎叶比例性状及其与种源地位置和地上部分总黄酮含量关系进行统计分析。结果表明:茎维系数(NSB/LSL)、茎韧纤比(SPF/LSL)、茎维宽比(SXW/LSS)和茎木比(TSL/LSS)等,以及叶部的柄翅高比(PWL/PH)、柄翅宽比(DPW/PW)、柄皮层比(PCT/PH)和气孔密度(SD)等性状资源间变异系数较大,可作为资源间鉴别的解剖学依据。各资源比例性状与种源地地理位置相关性分析结果显示:随着种源地的南移,茎维管组织越来越发达,叶柄两翅逐渐变得不明显,皮层发达;随着种源地由东向西推移,叶气孔密度逐渐降低,叶柄两翅逐渐靠近,髓部变得发达。组织化学定位及相关性分析结果表明:三叶青地上部分黄酮类化合物主要分布于茎部薄壁组织中,地上部分总黄酮含量与茎长宽比(LSL/LSS)、茎皮层比(SCT/LSL)、茎韧纤比(SPF/LSL)和茎木比(TSL/LSS)存在极显著相关性,这些茎性状可作为高黄酮三叶青品种的形态学筛选依据。 The microstructure diversity of stems and leaves Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg from different provenances and its correlation with the total flavonoids content in aboveground parts,49 germplasm resourcesof T.hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg were taken as the research objects,and 16 proportion traits of stems and leaves of each resource were compared.The correlation analysis was used to statistically analyze the proportion traits of stems and leaves and their relationship with the provenance location and the total flavonoids content in aboveground parts.The results showed that the coefficient of variation among NSB/LSL,SPF/LSL,SXW/LSS TSL/LSS,PWL/PH,DPW/PW,PCT/PH and stomatal density of leaves were,which could be used as anatomical basis for resources.correlation analysis between proportion traits and the geographical location of provenance showed that southward migration of provenance,the petiole wings gradually,and the cortex rom the east to the west the provenance,the stomatal density T.hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg gradually decreased,the wings of petiole gradually,and pith.The histochemical localization and correlation analysis showed that flavonoids were mainly distributed in stem parenchyma.There were extremely significant correlations between total flavonoids content and stem LSL/LSS,SCT/LSL,SPF/LSL and TSL/LSS.These stem proportion traits could be used as morphological screening basis for high flavonoids T.hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg varieties.
作者 程薪宇 郭梦桥 王靖茹 徐璐珂 张彩霞 曾荧 洪森荣 CHENG Xinyu;GUO Mengqiao;WANG Jingru;XU Luke;ZHANG Caixia;ZENG Ying;HONG Senrong(College of Life Sciences,Shangrao Normal University,Shangrao Jiangxi 334001,China;College of Life Science and Technology,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025,China;Key Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetic and Genetic Breeding of Heilongjiang Province,Harbin 150025,China;Key Laboratory for Regional Plants Conservation and Ecological Restoration of Northeast Jiangxi,Shangrao Jiangxi 334001,China)
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1754-1766,共13页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(31960079,31860200) 江西省科技厅重点研发计划一般项目(20192BBGL70050,20202BBG73010) 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(GJJ201704,GJJ211719) 上饶市科技局重点研发计划一般项目(2020C002) 上饶市科技局平台载体建设项目(2019I017,2020J001) 上饶师范学院博士启动经费(K6000252) 上饶师范学院校级课题(2022029,2022030) 上饶市科技社发类专项(2022A008)。
关键词 三叶青 显微结构 总黄酮含量 相关性 Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels&Gilg Microstructure Total flavonoids content Correlation
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