Any meaningful debate must be based on a thorough understanding of the opponents. This is especiallytrue when it comes to such a highly controversial topic as postmodernism. However, on the question of what“is” postmodernism, many are engaging in not so much a dialogue as a monologue. This paper attempts to putVincent B. Leitch, an American theorist and advocate of postmodernism into interaction with the German-Ital⁃ian New Realism which opposes postmodernism. While the former conceptualizes postmodernism as a style, aphilosophy and a period, the latter characterizes it with ironization, desublimation and deobjectification. E⁃qually insightful but distinctively different, the two sides converge on their fundamental understanding of post⁃modernism as Constructivism, highlighting the cover and replacement of the real by discourse. Constructivismis the key to understanding postmodernism, because only by breaking free from the shackles of the real canpostmodern philosophy deconstruct subjectivity, and can postmodern art make bricolage. With discourse, post⁃modernism subverts the modernity-defined relationship between man and the world.
Social Science Front