中国会展:中国国际进口博览会已经举办了5年。您认为中国国际进口博览会给参展商和观众带来了什么好处?Bruno Maiser:中国是世界上人口最多的国家,不仅是世界第二大经济体,而且是世界第二大进口国和消费国。推动进口,体现进博会的倡议,在全球具有极其重要的意义。去年,在全球经历新冠肺炎疫情的情况下,中国仍进口了超过6.57亿美元的产品和服务,为世界各国企业进入巨大的中国市场提供了历史性机遇。
The CIIE has gone through 5 years.What benefits do you think CIIE have brought to the exhibitors and visitors?China,with the largest population in the world,is not only the second largest economy but also the second largest importer and global consumer.The promotion of the import that implies the initiative of CIIE,is of an extraordinary global importance.In the last year,even though the world has gone through Covid-19,China still imported more than 6757 million dollars in products and services,which provided a historic opportunity for companies around the world to enter the huge Chinese market.
China Conference & Exhibition