

Analysis and study on vibration characteristics of atype of car body structure
摘要 在许多实际情况中,引起振动的动力只能减小,但却不能完全排除.而通过控制系统的固有频率,避免外激励作用下的共振,是最直接用于对振动进行控制的手段.为此,对某装备基础车体以及基础改车体振动特性进行分析,建立了两种车体的有限元模型并进行自由模态分析,对比两种车体模态参数,结果表明:基础车体固有频率较小,容易受地面激振频率影响,前十阶振型主要集中表现为动力舱隔板局部振动,对驾驶员人机环影响较大;基础改车体固有频率较大,车体结构刚度均匀性设计合理,动力舱隔板振动得到很好的改善,即人机环得到改善.研究结果对车体结构服役可靠性提升有重要的理论指导,也可为白车身结构设计与校核提供理论依据. In many practical cases,the force causing vibration can only be reduced,but it cannot be completely eliminated.By controlling the natural frequency of the system to avoid resonance under the action of external excitation,it is the most direct means for vibration control.To this end,the vibration characteristics of the basic vehicle body and the basic modified vehicle body of an equipment were analyzed,the finite element model of the two car bodies was established and the free modal analysis was carried out.The modal parameters of the two car bodies were compared,and the results showed that:The natural frequency of the base car body is small,and it is easy to be affected by the ground vibration frequency.The first ten vibration modes are mainly local vibration of the power cabin bulkhead,which has a great influence on the driver's man-machine environment.The natural frequency of the modified vehicle body is large,the stiffness uniformity of the vehicle body is reasonable,and the vibration of the bulkhead of the power cabin is well improved,that is,the man-machine ring is improved.The research results have important theoretical guidance for the service reliability improvement of body structure,and can also provide theoretical basis for the design and check of body in white structure.
作者 刘振光 何兴云 周中锋 尹申辉 梁科 唐艺活 LIU Zhenguang;HE Xingyun;ZHOU Zhongfeng;YIN Shenhui;LIANG Ke;TANG Yihuo(Jianglu Electromechanical Group Co.,Ltd.,Xiangtan 411100,China)
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2023年第3期31-36,共6页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 振动特性 车体结构 振型 固有频率 vibration characteristics car body structure mode of vibration natural frequency
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