

Study on the effect of place-based policy on labor wage promotion:Evidence from quasi-natural experiments in the establishment of development zones
摘要 以开发区为典型代表的区位导向性政策是“稳就业促增收”的重要载体。基于中国开发区设立的准自然实验,结合2011—2019年CHFS五期微观调查数据,通过地理信息编码及空间匹配方法构建综合数据集,采用双重差分法模型(DID)考察开发区设立对劳动者工资性收入的影响。在此基础上,回答了建立何种开发区更为有效,建在何处更能实现产城融合,以及对何种劳动力市场影响更大等一系列问题。研究发现,开发区设立显著提升了劳动者工资性收入,这一结论也通过了多重稳健性检验。异质性分析表明,从政策差异看,高新区和距离城区较远的开发区更有利于政策效应发挥;从区域差异看,开发区设立有利于提升紧凑型城市和人口密度较高地区的劳动者工资性收入;从劳动力市场差异看,开发区对男性、农村户籍、居住在城镇地区劳动者工资性收入的提升效应更大。拓展性分析表明,以管委会为圆心,开发区工资提升效应的地理距离衰减边界为10 km。因此,坚持以提质增效为引领,依托城市紧凑式空间布局,打造连接城乡发展的空间支撑节点,是开发区推进产城互动、城乡互融,实现共同富裕目标的重要路径。 This study analyzes the impact of development zones on workers' wage income using micro data from the CHFS phase five survey.The study found that development zones significantly increased workers' wage income,with high-tech zones and development zones farther from the city having a greater effect.Development zones in compact cities and high population density areas also contributed to increased wages.The study further showed that male,rural household registration,and urban workers benefited more from development zones.The geographical distance decay boundary of the wage increase effect in the development zone with the management committee as the center is 10 km.Therefore,adhering to the direction of improving quality and efficiency,relying on a compact urban spatial layout,and creating spatial support nodes that connect urban and rural development are important paths for development zones to promote interaction between production and city,urban-rural integration,and achieve the goal of common prosperity.
作者 刘修岩 周君婷 李昊 LIU Xiuyan;ZHOU Junting;LI Hao(School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China;National School of Development and Policy,Southeast University,Nanjing211189,China)
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期86-95,共10页 China Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新发展格局下长三角一体化大市场建设研究”(22&ZD066)。
关键词 区位导向性政策 开发区设立 工资性收入 地理衰减效应 place-based policy development zone establishment wage income geographical attenuation effect
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