

Investigation and correlation analysis of the current situation of resilience and organizational support among ICU nurses
摘要 目的了解重症监护室(ICU)护士的抗逆能力水平现状和组织支持感现状,分析两者之间的内在关联,以期能为进一步加强医院ICU护士的管理服务工作、降低医院护士的流失、改善医院护理质量等提供依据。方法2022年8—10月,采用一般资料调查表、护士组织支持感问卷(POS)与医护人员抗逆力评价表对141名ICU护士开展问卷调查。结果ICU护士抗逆力总分为74.23±14.39分,组织支持感总分为61.52±12.23分,ICU护士抗逆力不同维度皆正向相关于组织支持感维度(r=0.536~0.915,P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,学历、年龄、职称、聘任方式、是否专科护士、从事危重症工作年限为ICU护士抗逆力水平的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论ICU护士抗逆力正向相关于组织支持感,组织支持感愈好,抗逆力水平随之愈高。学历、年龄、职称、聘任方式、是否专科护士、从事危重症工作年限是ICU护士抗逆力水平的影响因素。ICU护理管理人员应注重ICU护士工作待遇及个人职业发展机会,以提高组织支持感水平,从而提高护士抗逆力水平,以减少护士流失,提高护理质量。 Objective To understand the current situation of resilience and organizational support among intensive care unit(ICU)nurses,and analyze the internal relationship between the two,in order to provide a basis for further strengthening the management and service work of ICU nurses in hospitals,reducing the turnover of hospital nurses,and improving the quality of hospital nursing.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 141 ICU nurses using a general information questionnaire,a nurse organizational support questionnaire(POS),and a medical staffresilience evaluation form from April to August 2022.Results The total score of ICU nurses'resilience was 74.23±14.39 points,and the total score of organizational support was 61.52±12.23 points.The different dimensions of ICU nurses'resilience were positively correlated with the dimensions of organizational support(r=0.536~0.915,P<0.05).Multivariate analysis showed that the factors influencing the resilience level of ICU nurses were the education level,age,professional titles,appointment method,whether they were specialized nurses,and the length of time they have worked in critical illness(P<0.05).Conclusion The resilience of ICU nurses was positively correlated with their sense of organizational support.The better their sense of organizational support,the higher their level of resilience was.The factors influencing the resilience level of ICU nurses were the education level,age,professional titles,appointment method,whether they were specialized nurses,and the length of time they have worked in critical illness.ICU nursing management personnel should pay attention to the work benefits and personal career development opportunities of ICU nurses,in order to improve the level of organizational support,thereby enhancing the resilience of nurses,reducing nurse turnover,and improving nursing quality.
作者 张聪慧 赖琪 王碧红 陈汉骞 董霞 屠恩远 ZHANG Conghui;LAI Qi;WANG Bihong;CHEN Hanqian;DONG Xia;TU Enyuan(Gannan Medical University,Ganzhou,341000,China)
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2023年第20期3078-3083,共6页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 江西省2022年度研究生创新专项资金项目(编号:YC2022-s960)。
关键词 ICU护士 抗逆力 组织支持感 相关性 影响因素 ICU nurses Resilience Sense of organizational support Correlation Infl uencing factors
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