

Research on the Characteristics and Prevention of Network Sexual Assault against Minors
摘要 网络性侵害未成年人犯罪包括接触型和非接触型犯罪,以接触型强奸犯罪为主。网络性侵害未成年人犯罪案件数量呈上升趋势,犯罪使用的网络媒介呈多样化特点,被害人主要为14周岁以下的未成年人,犯罪主体受教育水平普遍偏低,犯罪手段以非强制手段为主,犯罪地多为旅馆、行为人住所等场所。网络性侵害未成年人犯罪的原因是多方面的,主要有刑法惩治不力,网络服务提供者未采取有效措施保护未成年人,旅馆经营者未严格落实未成年人身份查验和强制报告义务,行为人法律意识淡薄和道德水平不高,监护人监护不力,学校和家庭普遍缺乏性教育,学校安全保护措施不到位等。刑法应将网络性侵害未成年人行为进行专门规制,相关法律应强化网络服务提供者保护未成年人的法定责任,旅馆经营者应有效落实查验入住未成年人身份和强制报告义务,家长应对未成年人进行有效监护,学校和家庭应有效开展未成年人性教育,学校应加强在校学生的安全保护等,以预防和惩治网络性侵害未成年人犯罪。 Network sexual assault against minors falls into contact crime and non-contact cri-me,mainly contact rape crime.The cases of network sexual assault on minors are on the rise,the network media used in crime are diversified,the victims are mainly minors under the age of 14,the education level of the subject of the crime is generally on the low side,and the means of crime are mainly non-coercive means.And most of the crimes are committed in hotels,the actor's resi-dence and other places.The prevalence of cyber sexual assaut on kids can be atributed to various factors,with one prominent factor being the inadequacy of punitive measures within the realm of criminal law,the failure of network service providers to take effective measures to protect min-ors,the failure of hotel operators to strictly implement the obligations of identification and com-pulsory reporting of minors,and the lack of legal awareness and moral level of the actor,weak guardianship,lack of sex education in schools and families,inadequate school secunty protection measures,and so on.The regulation of online sexual abuse of minors within criminal law should be more precise.This entails reinforcing the legal obligations of network service providers to saf-eguard minors,ensuring that hotel operators diligently verify the identities of minors and fulfi1 their mandatory reporting duties.Additionally.parents should actively monitor their children,while schools and families should effectively provide sex education to minors.Furthermore,schools should enhance safety measures to protect students on their premises,with a view to pun-ishing and preventing network sexual assault against minors.
作者 龙正凤 Long Zhengfeng(Kaili University,Kaili 556011,China)
出处 《湖北警官学院学报》 2023年第5期72-83,共12页 Journal of Hubei University of Police
基金 贵州省司法厅2023年度法治理论与实践研究课题“贵州省青少年法治教育问题及对策研究”(fzkt202316) 凯里学院博士专项课题“侵犯未成年人性权利犯罪与防治研究”(BS201807)。
关键词 网络性侵害 隔空猥亵 儿童色情制品 未成年人保护 Network Sexual Assault Space Indecency,Child Pornography Protection of Minors
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