

Cultivation Path of the Craftsmanship Spirit in State-Owned Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Role Theory:A Longitudinal Case Study
摘要 国有制造企业的工匠精神培育对推动国有制造企业高质量发展及实现中国制造业发展战略目标具有积极推动作用。现有研究聚焦探讨工匠精神内涵、重要性及其影响因素,对国有制造企业工匠精神培育过程分析不足。本文基于角色理论视角,选取在钢琴制造业中一家具备工匠精神的国有企业——广州珠江钢琴集团股份有限公司进行纵向单案例研究。本文整合工匠精神影响因素,剖析工匠精神在启蒙、积累和成熟时期员工角色模糊、角色距离和角色过载的失调状态;提炼出相对应的唤起、内化和升华的角色塑造机制;总结出工匠精神“匠心—匠艺—匠魂”的内涵升华以及“个人—人际—群体”影响范围扩散过程。研究结论为国有制造企业工匠精神培育贡献了新的解释框架和管理实践启示。 Purpose:Cultivating a craftsmanship spirit in state-owned manufacturing enterprises is of great significance in promoting high-quality development and achieving the strategic objective for the development of China’s manufacturing industry.Due to the important position in national strategy,high organizational stability and diversified personnel decision-making bodies,state-owned manufacturing enterprises have both external mission and internal motivation in cultivating craftsmanship spirit.Existing studies fo-cus on the scope,significance and impact of the craftsmanship spirit,with insufficient analysis on the process and mechanisms,es-pecially the cultivation of craftsmanship spirit in the context of state-owned manufacturing enterprises.This paper addresses this gap by conducting a longitudinal single case study on Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group Co.Ltd,a state-owned enterprise in the piano manufacturing industry,and focuses on two core issues:how to cultivate employees’craftsmanship spirit in state-owned manufacturing enterprises and the diffusion process of the craftsmanship spirit.Design/Methodology/Approach:This study takes Role Theory as the research perspective,Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group Co.Ltd as the research object and adopts the longitudinal single case study design and the inductive theory construction method.Role Theory is a theoretical framework linking individual and organizational attributes,and its dynamic analysis paradigm is applicable to studying how craftsmanship spirit is cultivated in state-owned manufacturing enterprises.Centering on the theme of craftsmanship spirit,we have accumulated more than 300,000 words of interview materials through on-site observation and in-depth interviews,and obtained 16 internal written materials and 32 external secondary materials.After systematic sorting and cod-ing,this study extracts 20 second order themes(e.g.,“low self-expectation”,etc.)and concludes 9 aggregate dimensions(e.g.,“role ambiguity”,etc.).Findings:Four findings emerge from this case study.Firstly,this study finds that the craftsmanship spirit of employees in state-owned manufacturing enterprises includes positive attitude acquisition,skill pursuit and spirit shaping,which is manifested as their special emotion and responsibility for the position,skill,enterprise and industry.Secondly,this study divides the cultiva-tion process of craftsmanship spirit of Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group Co.Ltd into enlightenment stage,accumulation stage and maturity stage and finds out the differences and characteristics of individual role imbalance at different stages.In enlightenment stage and maturity stage,role ambiguity and role overload are mainly formed by organizational and work factors,while in accumula-tion stage,role insufficiency is mainly caused by individual factors.Thirdly,this study proposes three mechanisms for craftsman-ship cultivation:mechanism of arousal(including measures of technical environment improvement,etc.)in enlightenment stage,mechanism of internalization(including measures of examination system optimization,etc.)in accumulation stage,and mechanism of sublimation(including measures of meaning empowerment,etc.)in maturity stage.This paper also finds that these three mecha-nisms have an internal cyclic relationship.Fourthly,this study finds that the cultivation of craftsmanship spirit in state-owned man-ufacturing enterprises is an iterative process.There is an evolutionary process from the attitude to skillset to the soul of craftsman-ship spirit’s connotation.And craftsmanship spirit’s influence is diffused from individual to interpersonal to group.Originality/Value:The research value of this paper lies in:Firstly,this study puts forward the connotation and cultivation mechanism of craftsmanship spirit in state-owned manufacturing enterprises,which contribute a new situational explanation for the cultivation of the craftsmanship spirit.Secondly,this study clarifies the diffusion process of craftsmanship spirit in state-owned manufacturing enterprises from individual to interpersonal to group.The diffusion process not only contributes to the formation of a virtuous circle of craftsmanship spirit formation within the organization,but also plays a positive social external effect,which high-lights the theoretical value of in-depth study of the craftsmanship spirit.Finally,building on the Role Theory,this study analyzes the role imbalance,role cultivation and role-playing ability in the stages of enlightenment,accumulation and maturity for cultiva-tion of craftsmanship spirit,which explains the construction process of individual craftsmanship spirit from scratch and enriches the role cultivation mechanism of Role Theory.Implications/Research Limitations/Suggestions for Future Research:The conclusions of this paper suggest that state-owned manufacturing enterprises should make clear the employees’role state and the cultivation goal of craftsmanship spirit,and a-dopt the craftsmanship cultivation mechanism of arousal,internalization and sublimation accordingly.In enlightenment and accu-mulation stages,state-owned manufacturing enterprises can take“practical”measures(e.g.,“providing diversified knowledge acquisition channels”,etc.)to improve the technical environment and standardize the training system,so as to arouse employees’work enthusiasm and internalize their technical ability.In maturity stage,state-owned manufacturing enterprises should take some“symbolic”measures(e.g.,“meaning empowerment”,etc.)to sublimate employees’craftsmanship spirit.This study still has several limitations:Firstly,this paper only focuses on the cultivation of craftsmanship spirit in state-owned manufacturing enterpri-ses.Future researches can explore and compare the cultivation of craftsmanship spirit in organizations of different enterprise nature and industry types,so as to deepen the understanding of craftsmanship spirit.Secondly,this paper studies the cultivation mecha-nism of craftsmanship spirit under each major role imbalance.Future researches can explore the dynamic cultivation mechanism un-der the mutual influence among those three role imbalances.Finally,in order to make the conclusions of this paper more robust,future researches can test the process model and research conclusions by conducting multi-case studies and large sample survey sta-tistics.
作者 周延风 张莹 苏丽敏 Yanfeng Zhou;Ying Zhang;Limin Su(School of Business,Sun Yat-Sen University)
出处 《管理学季刊》 2023年第1期89-120,175,176,共34页 Quarterly Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“基于道德视角的企业社会责任缺失与消费者响应的关系研究”(项目编号:71872194)、“食品供应链恢复力中英双边学术论坛”(项目编号:72081330514)、“社会企业使命漂移机制研究:基于制度复杂性的视角”(项目编号:72072188) 广东省科技创新战略专项资金“广东省财税大数据重点实验室”(项目编号:2019B121203012) 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心项目“BoP包容性创新的可持续发展路径案例研究”(项目编号:ZT-211055805)的资助。
关键词 工匠精神 角色理论 珠江钢琴 案例研究 craftsmanship spirit role theory Pearl River Piano Group Co.Ltd case study
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