
中国城市化环境污染效应研究:城市边界拓展视角的考察 被引量:1

Environmental Pollution Effect of Urbanization:An Empirical Study Based on Urban Boundary Expansion
摘要 城市内部非核心区域的向外扩张构成中国在过去20多年城市化进程快速推进的一个典型特征,由此体现的城市空间格局演变使得城市化的环境污染效应变得复杂。基于我国273个地级市1999—2020年面板数据,从城市内部非建成区面积反映的城市边界区域扩张视角探讨了城市化进程的环境污染效应及其区域异质性作用规律。研究发现:城市边界扩张的环境污染效应呈U形关系,即城市边界扩张在初期有助于降低环境污染,但边界的过度扩张则显著不利于环境改善。特别地,城市边界扩张更易在我国三、四线城市和中西部区域城市呈现较为明显的环境污染效应。结合城市边界扩张的异质环境污染影响,认为我国高等级城市可以保持适度空间外拓,同时重点优化拓展空间各类功能区的布局并加强与原核心城区的整合;对城市边界扩张过快的低等级城市,需要限制其无序扩张并加强扩张区域的综合治理。针对城市边界扩展污染效应表现出的U形关系特点,认为关键是通过人-地空间耦合的增强、更严格环境规制的实施、构建城市边界拓展区域经济收益多渠道环境污染补偿机制等,降低城市边界向外扩张越过环境污染效应拐点的可能性,并减缓其越过污染效应拐点的不利影响。 The outward urban land expansion of the non-core areas within a city,which is a typical characteristic of China’s urbanization during the past two dacades,complicates the environmental pollution effect of urbanization.Based on the panel data of 273 prefecture-level cities in China from 1997 to 2020,this paper explores the environmental pollution effect and the regional heterogeneous environmental impact of urbanization process from the perspective of urban boundary expansion reflected by the non-built-up urban regions.The results show that the environmental pollution effect of urban boundary expansion shows a U-shaped relationship,that is,urban boundary expansion is helpful to reduce environmental pollution in the initial stage;however,excessive boundary expansion is significantly detrimental to environmental improvement.In particular,urban boundary expansion is comparatively easy to cause environmental pollution effect in third-and fourth-tier cities and cities in central and western China.Given the heterogeneous environmental pollution impacts caused by urban boundary expansion,we suggest that high-tier cities could maintain moderate boundary expansion by optimizing the spatial layout of various functional units for the newly expanded urban region and enhancing the integration with the early core urban areas.In contrast,we suggest prohibiting the disorderly expansion of low-tier cities and enhancing comprehensive management of the expanded areas.Moreover,given the U-shaped relationship between urban boundary expansion and environmental pollution,we suggest lowering the possibility of going across the inflection point and mitigating the adverse pollution effect through enhanced population-land spatial coupling,strict environmental regulations,and multi-channel compensation.
作者 高永祥 GAO Yongxiang(School of Business,Jinling Institute of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210069,China)
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期125-134,共10页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学基金项目(21GLD005)。
关键词 城市化 边界扩张 污染效应 U形关系 异质作用 urbanization boundary expansion pollution effect U-shaped relationship heterogeneous effect
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