

Talent Development Environment and National Innovation Output:an Empirical Test from GTCI Data
摘要 创新驱动实质是人才驱动。党的二十大报告指出,必须坚持科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力。首先,基于人力资本理论,提炼出人才开发环境的3个维度:教育培养环境、对外开放环境和健康宜居环境,构建人才开发环境对国家创新产出影响的理论框架,探究人才资本积累在人才开发环境与国家创新产出间的中介作用。其次,对2017—2021年《全球人才竞争力指数报告》(GTCI)中36个高人才竞争力国家的样本数据进行实证分析。研究发现:教育培养环境和对外开放环境对国家创新产出均具有直接的正向影响,其中对外开放环境对国家创新产出影响的正向总效应最大;教育培养环境和对外开放环境可以通过人才资本积累的部分中介作用影响国家创新产出,其中教育培养环境通过人才资本积累影响国家创新产出的中介效用最大;健康宜居环境对人才资本积累和国家创新产出的影响作用在本研究中没有得到验证。最后,为国家如何进一步营造高效的人才开发环境提供实践启示。 The essence of innovation is driven by talent,The report of the Party's 20th National Congress emphasizes the importance of talent as the first resource and innovation as the primary driving forc.The main purpose of this study is to test whether talent development environment has a direct impact on national innovation output and the possible intermediary mechanism,and to verify the degree of influence of different dimensions of talent development environment on national innovation output.The main method of this study is a combination of theoretical and empirical analysis.First,it reviews the relevant research on the talent development environment system.Based on the theory of human capital,this paper extracts three dimensions of the talent development environment.From the three dimensions of talent development environment,the namely education and training environment,the opening-up environment and the healthy and livable environment,the author puts forward the hypothesis of the direct impact on national innovation output and the hypothesis of the intermediary role of talent capital accumulation between talent development environment and national innovation output,and builds the theoretical framework of talent development environment's impact on national innovation output.This paper examines the mediating role of talent capital accumulation between talent development environment and national innovation output,useing Wen Zhonglin's three-step test method,analyzing sample data from 36 countries with high talent competitiveness in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index(GTCI)from 2017 to 2021.Further,this study uses the lag term of the independent variable as the instrumental variable,the index replacement of the dependent variable and the replacement of the intermediary variable to test the robustness of the empirical analysis results.The results show that both the education environment and the open environment have a direct positive effect on national innovation output.Moreover,the opening-up environment exhibits the largest positive total effect on national innovation output.Notably,the education and training environment and the opening-up environment can influence national innovation output through the partial mediating effect of talent capital accumulation,and the education and training environment has the greatest mediating effect on national innovation output through talent capital accumulation.The effect of healthy livable environment on talent capital accumulation and national innovation output is not verified in this study.The theoretical significance of this study is as follows:First,it expands the research of human capital theory whith the field of talent science,and classifies talent development environment into three dimensions based on human capital theory:education and training environment,opening to the outside world environment and healthy and livable environment.Second,it constructs and tests the theoretical framework of the impact of talent development environment on national innovation output.Third,it allows for a comparison of the total and intermediary effects of different dimensions of the talent development environment on national innovation output within the same theoretical framework.This study draws practical enlightenment from creating a high-quality talent education environment and promoting highlevel opening up.These actions can help increase the accumulation of high-quality innovative talent capital,attract foreign direct investment,regulate the international market,and create a favorable domestic business atmosphere for foreign investors.
作者 王福世 Wang Fushi(School of Labor Economics,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2023年第10期76-90,共15页 Innovation science and technology
基金 首都经济贸易大学博士研究生学术新人计划项目“科技人才发展政策对我国全要素生产率的影响研究”(2023XSXR06)。
关键词 人才开发环境 人才资本积累 国家创新产出 talent development environment talent capital accumulation national innovation output
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