
低温等离子处理对采后雷竹笋贮藏品质的影响 被引量:4

Effect of atmospheric cold plasma treatment on storage quality of post-harvest bamboo shoots
摘要 为研究3种低温等离子体处理对去萚雷竹笋采后低温贮藏过程中衰老与木质化的影响,将雷竹笋分别进行不处理(CK),30 k V/(5 min),30 k V/(10 min)和150 k V/(1 min)的DBD处理并在(3±1)℃下贮藏,以色差值、硬度、木质素含量和H_(2)O_(2)含量等指标分析DBD处理对采后雷竹笋的影响。结果表明,与CK组相比,DBD处理的竹笋保持更高的L*值与更低的b*值,抑制率最高分别达到51.9%与46.5%;硬度与木质素含量在贮藏过程中逐渐增加,30 kV处理组显著低于CK组,抑制率最高达12.0%;DBD处理后竹笋的H_(2)O_(2)含量在贮藏过程中呈先上升后下降趋势,CK组则呈上升趋势,贮藏至12,15 d时,DBD处理组显著低于CK组,变化范围在3.7~10.7。结合相关性分析与主成分分析发现,DBD处理可以调控H_(2)O_(2)含量来影响竹笋的木质化进程,对采后竹笋具有较好的保鲜效果。研究为新型物理技术在采后竹笋低温贮藏保鲜中的应用提供数据和理论基础。 In order to investigate the effects of three types of low-temperature plasma treatments on the aging and lignification of peeled Lei bamboo(Phyllostachys praecox)shoots during low-temperature storage after harvest,the bamboo shoots were treated with the control group(untreated),DBD treatments of 30 kV/(5 min),30 kV/(10 min),and 150 kV/(1 min),and stored at(3±1)℃.The effects of the DBD treatments on the color difference value,hardness,lignin content,and H2O2 content of the harvested bamboo shoots were analyzed.The results show that compared with the CK group,the DBD-treated bamboo shoots have a higher L*value and a lower b*value,with inhibition rates of up to 51.9%and 46.5%,respectively.Hardness and lignin content gradually increases during storage,the 30 kV treatment group is significantly lower than the control group,and the highest inhibition rate is 12.0%.The H_(2)O_(2) content of the DBD-treated bamboo shoots shows an ascending trend at first and then a descending trend during storage,while the control group shows an ascending trend.At 12d and 15d of storage,the DBD treatment group is significantly lower than the control group,with the variation range of 3.7~10.7.Correlation analysis and principal component analysis found that DBD treatment can regulate the H_(2)O_(2) content to affect the lignification process of bamboo shoots,which has a good preservation effect on harvested bamboo shoots.This study provides data and a theoretical basis for the application of new physical technologies in the low-temperature storage and preservation of harvested bamboo shoots.
作者 吴志豪 张富强 吴彩娥 范龚键 WU Zhihao;ZHANG Fuqiang;WU Caie;FAN Gongjian(College of Light Industry and Food Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China;Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China)
出处 《包装与食品机械》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期1-8,共8页 Packaging and Food Machinery
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1002300) 江西省林业局科技创新专项(202012)。
关键词 低温等离子体 贮藏品质 木质化 相关性分析 主成分分析 atmospheric cold plasma storage quality lignification correlation analysis principal component analysis
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