The production of firefighting and rescue plan is a basic and regular work carried out by the fire fighting and rescue team,and its main application purpose is to assist the fire fighting and rescue action of the firefighting team to make decisions on the deployment of the fire fighting and rescue action of the unit in the plan.By briefly summarizing and analyzing the current fire brigade production of various types of plans in the form of the future production of firefighting and rescue plans under the new era of the discussion,from the production cost,degree of difficulty,application prospects,etc.to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the advantages and disadvantages,and to provide reference for the fire brigade to enhance the combat effectiveness.The conclusion is that the plane plan and panoramic plan are more in line with the current fire rescue teamwork using the actual,virtual reality plan will be the future direction of development.
Hou Wei(Liaocheng Fire and Rescue Division,Shandong Liaocheng 252000)