
习近平关于党章重要论述的核心要义 被引量:1

Core Elements of Xi Jinping's Discourses on the CPC Constitution
摘要 党的十八大以来,习近平总书记高度重视党章建设,先后提出一系列重要论断,作出一系列深刻论述。习近平总书记关于党章的重要论述,从党章是党的根本大法、是全面从严治党的总依据和总遵循、是全体党员的行为规范和活动准则等方面,科学回答了“什么是党章”;从党章是马克思主义政党的指路明灯、是提高党的建设科学化水平的重要依据、是全面推进依法治国的有力保障等方面,系统揭示了“为什么要尊崇党章”。新时代新征程,要推动全党更加自觉地学习党章、遵守党章、贯彻党章、维护党章,就必须以习近平总书记关于党章的重要论述为指引,通过开展学习教育的方式、运用理论联系实际的方法、注重发挥关键少数的示范带动作用,切实保障党章的全面贯彻落实。 Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the construction of the Party Constitution,and has put forward a series of important conclusions and made a series of profound discussions.General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discussion on the Party Constitution scientifically answers the question“What is the Party Constitution?”from the perspective that the Party Constitution is the fundamental law of the Party,the general basis and principle for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,and the code of conduct and activity for the words and deeds of all Party members.From the perspectives that the Party Constitution serves as the guiding light for a Marxist political party,is an important basis for improving the scientific level of Party building,and is a strong guarantee for comprehensively promoting governance by law,the article systematically reveals“why the Party Constitution should be respected.”In the new era and on the new journey,in order to encourage the entire Party to more consciously study the Party Constitution,comply with the Party Constitution,implement the Party Constitution,and uphold the Party Constitution,it is essential to use General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the Party Constitution as a guide.Through methods such as conducting educational studies,applying theory to practice,and emphasizing the exemplary role of key individuals,we must effectively ensure the comprehensive implementation of the Party Constitution.
作者 周叶中 陈若琪 ZHOU Yezhong;CHEN Ruoqi
出处 《中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报》 北大核心 2023年第4期5-14,共10页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.P.C(Chinese Academy of Governance)
关键词 习近平 党章 本质特征 重要地位 贯彻落实 Xi Jinping The CPC Constitution Essential Characteristics Important Position Carrying out
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