
印度参与金砖国家合作机制的动力、阻力及前景 被引量:2

The Impetus,Obstacles and Prospects of India's Participation in the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism
摘要 自2009年成立以来,金砖国家合作机制整体发展顺利,在和衷共济维护世界和平与安宁、以合作发展共同应对风险和挑战、以开拓创新激发合作潜能和活力等方面作用显著。其中,印度既是金砖机制创始成员国,又积极参加美日印澳“四边安全对话”机制,其对于金砖机制的政策取向事关金砖国家合作未来。从整体上看,印度政府对于金砖机制态度积极,重视程度持续提升,故而努力参与引领和塑造金砖机制合作议程,同意金砖机制扩员,推动从金砖五国升级为金砖十一国。印度上述政策源于多重利益诉求:推动国际秩序多极化,提升印度的全球话语权;维持大国战略平衡,确保印度始终能够多方得利;确保印度的能源资源供应安全等。但也要看到,金砖国家未来深入开展合作始终面临印度方面的制约与掣肘,若处理不好将对该机制未来发展产生较严重负面影响。例如,印度坚持狭隘的国家安全观、担心影响对美关系等始终制约着金砖国家合作。因此,印度未来对金砖机制的态度存在变数。 Since its establishment in 2009,the BRICS have developed smoothly and played a significant role in maintaining world peace and tranquility,jointly coping with risks and challenges through cooperative development,and stimulating cooperation potential and vitality through innovation.Among them,India is not only a founding member of the BRICS,but also actively participates in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue.Its perception of the BRICS is related to the future of BRICS cooperation and deserves great attention.On the whole,the Indian government has a positive attitude towards the BRICS.It has participated in the meetings of the foreign ministers and leaders of the BRICS,participated in leading and shaping the cooperation agenda of the BRICS,agreed to the expansion of the BRICS.The above-mentioned policies of India stem from multiple interest demands:to promote the multi-polarization of the international order and enhance India's global discourse power;to maintain the strategic balance of major powers to ensure that India can always benefit from multiple parties;to ensure the security of India's energy and resource supply and other practical interests.However,we must also be aware that the in-depth cooperation among the BRICS will always face restrictions and constraints from India.If they are not handled properly,it will have a negative impact on the future development of the mechanism.For example,India's narrow view of national security and concerns,fear of affecting relations with the United States have always restricted BRICS cooperation.India's future attitude toward BRICS cooperation depends on how it handles several key relationships.
作者 王世达 徐琴 Wang Shida;Xu Qin
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第9期24-41,147,共19页
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