
洗钱罪的成立应当以上游犯罪人实际控制犯罪所得为前提 被引量:3

The Establishment of the Crime of Money Laundering Should be Based on the Actual Control of the Criminal Gains by the Predicate Offender
摘要 洗钱罪是对上游犯罪的犯罪所得进行漂白的行为,具有和上游犯罪完全不同的性质。最高人民检察院近来公布的两批洗钱罪典型案例中,关于洗钱罪与上游犯罪关系的表述实质上都坚持以上游犯罪人实际控制犯罪所得为洗钱罪成立的前提,这为准确认定洗钱罪和上游犯罪之间的罪数形态奠定基础。对于上游犯罪人实际控制犯罪所得之前所实施的类似洗钱的行为,或者使用洗钱的方式接收犯罪所得的行为,应当作为上游犯罪的组成部分认定为上游犯罪。行为人实际控制犯罪所得之后实施的洗钱行为,应当与上游犯罪数罪并罚。上游犯罪人对于犯罪所得的实际控制既可以由行为人直接进行,也可能通过其他人进行。对于受贿人委托行贿人代为保管受贿财物的情况要具体分析对财物实际控制的时间点。 The crime of money laundering is an act of whitewashing illegal gains form the predicate offense,which has a completely different nature from the predicate offense.In the two sets of typical cases of the crime of money laundering published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate,the relationship between the crime of money laundering and the predicate offence is described essentially by adhering to the premise that the actual control of criminal gains by the predicate offender is the basis for the establishment of the crime of money laundering,which lays the foundation for accurately identifying the number of crimes concerning the crime of money laundering and the predicate offense.The conducts similar to money laundering or the receipt of criminal gains in the manner of money laundering before the predicate offender actually controls the criminal gains be recognized as part of the predicate offense and thus convicted of the predicate offense.As for the conduct of money laundering after the perpetrator actually controls the criminal gains,the perpetrator should be punished concurrently according to the predicate offense and the crime of money laundering.The actual control of the criminal gains by the predicate offender can be carried out either directly by the perpetrator or through others.For the situation that the bribe taker entrusts the bribe giver to keep the bribe on his behalf,the time point of the actual control of the property should be specifically analyzed.
作者 张磊 ZHANG Lei
出处 《政治与法律》 北大核心 2023年第11期73-85,共13页 Political Science and Law
基金 2023年国家社科基金项目“总体国家安全观视野下中国刑法域外适用的理论构建与实践路径研究”(项目编号:23BFX117)的阶段性成果。
关键词 洗钱罪 上游犯罪 犯罪所得 想象竞合 Crime of Money Laundering Predicate Offense Criminal Gains Imaginative Concurrence of Offenses
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