
青少年近视患者用眼行为调查及家长护理服务需求影响因素分析 被引量:4

A survey of eye-using behavior among myopia adolescents and analysis of influencing factors on parental care service needs
摘要 目的 调查青少年近视患者用眼行为现状,并分析家长护理服务需求的影响因素。方法 选取198例近视患者(年龄12~18岁)及其家长作为研究对象,分别采用一般资料调查表、患者用眼行为调查表、家长近视防控知识认知程度评估量表、家长对青少年近视护理服务需求调查表进行调查。结果 198例近视患者中,读书和(或)写字能保持合理姿势者占41.92%,每次读书和(或)写字时间<40 min者占71.72%,读书和(或)写字20 min后能远眺6 m以外20 s者占58.59%,阳光充足的户外运动时间>2 h者占31.82%,每日电子产品使用时间<20 min者占53.54%,每日睡眠时间>8 h者占35.86%,饮食搭配合理且无挑食现象者占66.16%,正确用眼行为合计养成率为51.37%。198名家长中,168名(占84.85%)需要近视防控方面的专业护理指导,87名(占43.94%)通过微信或抖音获取近视防控相关知识。二元Logistic回归分析显示,家长文化程度、家长是否近视、家长近视防控知识认知程度是患者家长近视防控护理服务需求的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 青少年近视患者用眼行为较差,家长对健康用眼相关护理服务的需求较高,临床应根据家长的不同特征和护理需求制订护理指导方案,以提高其近视防控知识水平,进而改善青少年近视患者的健康用眼行为。 Objective To analyze the present situation of eye-using behavior of adolescents with myopia,and to explore the influencing factors of parents'nursing service demand.Methods A total of 198 myopia patients(aged 12 to 18 years)and their parents were selected as research objects.General Data Questionnaire,Patients′Eye Behavior Questionnaire,Parents′Myopia Prevention and Control Knowledge Assessment Scale and Parents′Demand for Myopia Nursing Service Questionnaire were used to investigate the adolescents′myopia.Results Among the 198 myopic patients,41.92%of them could maintain reasonable posture in reading and(or)writing,71.72%of them could read and(or)write for less than 40 min each time,58.59%of them could overlook 6 m far away for 20 s after reading and(or)writing for 20 min,31.82%of the participants had outdoor exercise time>2 hours in sun-drenched environment,53.54%of the participants used electronic products<20 minutes per day,35.86%of the participants had sleep time>8 hours per day,66.16%of the participants had reasonable diet and no picky eating and the total formation rate of correct eye use behavior was 51.37%.Among the 198 parents of children,168(84.85%)needed professional health education guidance in myopia prevention and control;87 parents(43.94%)obtained knowledge about myopia prevention and control through WeChat or Tik Tok.Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that parents′educational level,whether parents were nearsighted or not,and parents′awareness of prevention and control knowledge for myopia were the main influencing factors on the demand for myopia prevention and control nursing services for parents(P<0.05).Conclusion Myopia adolescents have poor eye behavior,while parents have high demand for healthy eye care services.Therefore,we should formulate nursing approaches and forms according to the different characteristics of parents of children with myopia prevention and control,and further improve the knowledge level of myopia prevention and control,thereby improving the healthy eye behavior of adolescents with myopia.
作者 吕岫葳 苑亚南 胡宇鑫 师秀娟 陈丽云 LYU Xiuwei;YUAN Yanan;HU Yuxin;SHI Xiujuan;CHEN Liyun(Ophthalmology Department,Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Beijing,100730)
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 2023年第18期89-92,106,共5页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
基金 中华医学会杂志社护理学科研究课题(CMAPH-NRD2021068)。
关键词 青少年 近视 用眼行为 护理需求 近视防控 影响因素 视力不良 adolescents myopia eye behavior nursing needs myopia prevention and control influencing factors poor vision
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