基于实验和理论结果,我们对TmNi_(2)Si_(2)化合物的磁性,磁相变和磁热效应进行了研究.TmNi_(2)Si_(2)化合物被证实存在不稳定的反铁磁相互作用,并在超过0.2 T的外加磁场下发生从反铁磁到铁磁的场驱动变磁转变.此外,大的可逆低温磁热效应也被观察到.在0-2 T的变化磁场下,最大磁熵变和制冷量分别为15.4 J kg^(-1)K^(-1)和68.0 J kg^(-1).因此,低磁场下大的可逆磁热效应表明TmNi_(2)Si_(2)化合物在低温磁制冷机中具有潜在的应用前景.
Based on experimental and theoretical results,the magnetic properties,magnetic phase transitions,and magnetocaloric effect(MCE)of TmNi_(2)Si_(2) were studied.In this study,we confirmed that unstable antiferromagnetic interaction underwent a field-induced phase transition from metamagnetic to ferromagnetic under magnetic fields exceeding 0.2 T in TmNi_(2)Si_(2).Moreover,a large reversible cryogenic MCE was observed.The maximum magnetic entropy change(-ΔSM max)and refrigeration capacity were found to be 15.4 J kg^(-1) K^(-1) and 68.0 J kg^(-1),respectively,when changing the magnetic field from 0 to 2 T.The large reversible MCE observed under the low magnetic field change indicates the potential application of TmNi_(2)Si_(2) in cryogenic magnetic refrigerators.
Lu Tian;Bo Xu;Huan Chen;Zhaojun Mo;Zhenxing Li;Guodong Liu;Jun Shen(Ganjiang Innovation Academy,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ganzhou 341119,China;School of Rare earths,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300130,China;Department of Energy and Power Engineering,School of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)
supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFB3505101)
the National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars(52222107)
the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars(51925605)
the Research Projects of Ganjiang Innovation Academy,Chinese Academy of Sciences(E055B002)
the Doctoral Postgraduate Innovation Funding project of Hebei Province(CXZZBS2023032)。