
基于集成深度学习的钢轨表面伤损精细化分割 被引量:2

Refinement Segmentation of Rail Surface Damage Based on Integrated Deep Learning Algorithms
摘要 研究目的:钢轨表面伤损分割是铁路工务巡检的重要内容。为应对轨面伤损未及时发现导致安全事故发生的难题,解决传统检测方法适用性受限的问题,本文提出一个集成多种深度学习模型的伤损自动化分割算法,为钢轨表面伤损的识别、分析和处理提供一个精准且高效的解决方案。研究结论:(1)提出了一种集成目标检测和语义分割的深度学习算法,实现了针对钢轨表面伤损特征的高效识别与精准分割;(2)实践结果表明,本文算法与现有的几种深度学习模型相比精度更高,准确度和平均交并比分别达到99.56%和83.89%;(3)本文算法能够精细化地区分钢轨伤损和背景的模糊边界,减少数据冗余,加快分割效率,对多尺度伤损目标的分割准确性高,研究结论可为铁路工务部门的自动化检维提供理论指导。 Research purposes:Rail surface damage segmentation is an important part of railway engineering inspection.In order to address the challenge of timely detection of rail surface damage to prevent safety accidents and overcome the limitations of traditional detection methods,this paper proposes an automated damage segmentation algorithm that integrates multiple deep learning models,to provide a precise and efficient solution for the identification,analysis,and processing of rail surface damage.Research conclusions:(1)A deep learning algorithm integrating target detection and semantic segmentation is proposed to achieve efficient recognition and accurate segmentation for rail surface damage features.(2)The practical results show that this algorithm has higher accuracy compared with several existing deep learning models,and the accuracy and average cross-merge ratio reach 99.56%and 83.89%,respectively.(3)This algorithm can accurately differentiate the blurred boundaries between rail damage and background,reduce data redundancy,and improve segmentation efficiency.It achieves high segmentation accuracy for multi-scale damage targets and the research conclusions can provide theoretical guidance for the automation of railway engineering inspection.
作者 王卫东 王梦迪 胡文博 彭俊 王劲 邱实 WANG Weidong;WANG Mengdi;HU Wenbo;PENG Jun;WANG Jin;QIU Shi(Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410075,China)
机构地区 中南大学
出处 《铁道工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期27-32,39,共7页 Journal of Railway Engineering Society
基金 国家自然科学基金项目:基于数字孪生模型的轨道交通扣件系统伤损状态全生命周期演化机理研究(52178442) 高速铁路基础研究联合基金项目:基于机器视觉的高速铁路基础设施服役状态智能监测理论及方法研究(U1734208)。
关键词 钢轨表面伤损 深度学习 图像分割 铁路工务 rail surface damage deep learning image segmentation railway engineering
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