
长三角城市群市场一体化对技术创新影响的门槛效应研究 被引量:2

Threshold effect of market integration on technological innovation in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration
摘要 市场机制在资源配置中发挥着决定性作用,统一的大市场能够使商品和要素自由流动,从而提升资源利用效率和技术创新能力,促进高质量发展。财政分权体制改革与晋升锦标赛治理模式所引起的地方保护主义和市场分割抑制了市场一体化发展,影响区域技术创新能力提升。多年来,我国政府一直致力于建设国内一体化市场,然而地区间市场分割、贸易壁垒始终存在,极大地阻碍了要素流动,影响科技创新发展。长三角区域是关键核心技术突破的始源地,是双循环的重要承载地。技术创新是推动长三角城市群高质量发展的新引擎。习近平总书记指出实施长三角一体化发展战略要紧扣一体化和高质量两个关键词,以一体化的思路和举措打破行政壁垒、提高政策协同,促进高质量发展。为此,文章以长三角城市群27个城市作为研究样本,首先利用相对价格法、绝对偏差法、变异系数法计算长三角城市群商品市场一体化指数、劳动力市场一体化指数、资本市场一体化指数与总体市场一体化指数。其次建立区域创新能力多指标综合评价体系并利用时序全局主成分分析法对长三角城市群技术创新能力指数进行计算,最后运用面板门槛模型研究市场一体化及其细分类型对区域技术创新能力的非线性影响。研究结果表明:从长三角城市群整体看,商品市场一体化对区域技术创新能力具有促进作用,但其影响不存在门槛效应;劳动力市场一体化与资本市场一体化对技术创新的影响存在单门槛效应;而市场一体化总体对技术创新能力的影响在静态分析和动态分析中存在一定的差异。从省内城市群看,江苏9城市的市场一体化及商品市场一体化对技术创新能力的影响存在单门槛效应;浙江9城市的劳动力市场一体化对技术创新的影响存在单门槛效应;安徽8城市的资本市场一体化对技术创新能力的影响存在单门槛效应。文章创新性地将市场一体化内涵拓展为商品、劳动力和资本市场一体化,将长三角城市群三省一市间存在的区域异质性纳入研究,探究长三角城市群市场一体化对于技术创新的非线性影响,文章结论对于有效提升长三角城市群市场一体化水平及区域技术创新能力有着重要的参考价值和指导意义。 Market mechanism plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources.A unified large market can enable the free flow of goods and elements,thereby improving the efficiency of resource utilization and technological innovation,and promoting high-quality development.Local protectionism and market segmentation caused by the reform of fiscal decentralization system and the governance mode of promotion tournaments have inhibited the development of market integration and affected the promotion of regional technological innovation capability.Our government has been committed to building a domestic integrated market for many years.However,market segmentation and trade barriers between regions have always existed,which have greatly hindered the flow of factors and affected the development of scientific and technological innovation.The Yangtze River Delta region is the origin of breakthroughs in key core technologies and an important carrier of double circulation.Technological innovation is a new engine to promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.For this reason,this paper takes 27 cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as research samples.Firstly,the commodity market integration index,labor market integration index,capital market integration index and overall market integration index of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration are calculated by using relative price method,absolute deviation method and coefficient of variation method.Secondly,the multi index comprehensive evaluation system of regional innovation capability is established and the time series global principal component analysis method is used to calculate the technological innovation capability index of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.Finally,the panel threshold model is used to study the nonlinear impact of market integration and its segmentation types on regional technological innovation capability.The results are as follows:from the perspective of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as a whole,commodity market integration can promote regional technological innovation capability,but its impact does not have a threshold effect;The impact of labor market integration and capital market integration on technological innovation has a single threshold effect;However,there are some differences between static analysis and dynamic analysis in the impact of market integration on technological innovation capability.From the perspective of urban agglomeration in the province,the market integration and commodity market integration of 9 cities in Jiangsu have a single threshold effect on technological innovation capability;The labor market integration of 9 cities in Zhejiang has a single threshold effect on technological innovation;The capital market integration of 8 cities in Anhui has a single threshold effect on technological innovation capability.The paper creatively expands the connotation of market integration into the integration of commodity,labor and capital markets.The regional heterogeneity existing among the three provinces and one city of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is included in the study.The paper researches the non-linear impact of the market integration of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration on technological innovation.The conclusion of the paper has important reference value and guiding significance for effectively improving the market integration level and regional technological innovation capability of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.
作者 周正柱 冯加浩 ZHOU Zhengzhu;FENG Jiahao(Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期18-36,共19页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“长三角城市群市场一体化多维测度与经济增长效应路径研究”(20BJY059)。
关键词 长三角城市群 市场一体化 市场分割 技术创新 门槛效应 the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration market integration market segmentation technological innovation threshold effect
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