
中国式现代化道路的共同富裕向度及世界意义研究 被引量:3

A study on the common prosperity dimension and world significance of Chinese path to modernization
摘要 全体人民共同富裕不仅是社会主义的本质规定,也是把握和理解中国式现代化道路内在规定不可或缺的维度。在人类现代化历史发展进程中,资本主义现代化占据着先行示范的特殊地位,是研究现代化绕不过去的范畴,问题在于资本主义以资本增殖为中心逻辑形成了对人的发展逻辑的强势压制,由此形成了资本财富积累和人的贫困积累的尖锐化对立矛盾,工人越劳动越贫困的社会问题严重掣肘了其现代化模式的可持续发展空间。马克思深刻洞悉并指出了资本主义现代化内含的矛盾,为人类纠正资本主义现代化偏离人的发展方向提供了科学指导理论。尽管资本主义现代化为延长其生存发展周期采取了时间、空间以及福利社会政策,但这种不触及资本主义现代化矛盾根源的措施治标不治本,劳动者只能再次深陷资本增殖框架塑造的贫困化趋势中。为此,人类要消除悖论性贫困、走向共同富裕的新型现代化道路,需要沿着马克思的理论和列宁的探索进行创新拓展与发展。中国共产党以马克思主义为指导,结合具体历史国情继承发展和创新了社会主义现代化,以共同富裕为指向形成了中国式现代化道路。从历史向度来看,中国式现代化道路有着独特的历史资源和恢弘的历史进程,中华民族先贤对共同富裕的构想、近代以来仁人志士对共富的追求以及马克思主义对共同富裕的探索共同构成了其发展的历史资源,为中国特色社会主义现代化建设的共同富裕实践提供了独特历史蕴涵;通过新民主主义革命、社会主义革命和建设、改革开放以来以及新时代的百年恢弘接续探索,中国共产党为中国式现代化道路的形成发展注入和拓展了共同富裕内涵。中国式现代化道路的共同富裕向度意味着中国共产党在社会主义制度架构内恢复了劳动者主体性,资本增殖逻辑与人的发展逻辑矛盾得到了和解,即中国式现代化道路的共同富裕向度不仅对全面建设社会主义现代化国家具有深远影响,而且为人类探索新文明形态提供了中国智慧,为后发国家走新型现代化道路提供了中国方案,是世界历史发展进程中具有开拓意义的原创性现代化探索,未来必将深刻影响和改变世界历史发展走向。 Common prosperity is not only the essential regulation of socialism,but also an indispensable dimension for grasping and understanding the internal regulations of the Chinese path to modernization.In the historical development process of human modernization,capitalist modernization occupies a special position of pioneering demonstration,and is a category that cannot be bypassed in the study of modernization.The problem lies in the fact that capitalism takes capital multiplication as the central logic to form a strong suppression of the logic of human development,thus forming a sharp antagonistic contradiction between the accumulation of capital wealth and the accumulation of human poverty,and the social problem of workers getting poorer and poorer the more workers work has seriously constrained the sustainable development space of its modernization model.Marx profoundly understood and pointed out the contradictions inherent in capitalist modernization,and provided a scientific guiding theory for mankind to correct the deviation of capitalist modernization from the direction of human development.Although capitalist modernization has adopted time,space and welfare social policies to prolong its cycle of survival and development,such measures that do not touch the root causes of the contradictions of capitalist modernization have cured the symptoms but not the root causes,and workers can only fall into the impoverishment trend shaped by the framework of capital multiplication again.To this end,if mankind wants to eliminate paradoxical poverty and move towards a new path of modernization of common prosperity,it is necessary to innovate and expand along Marx’s theory and Lenin’s exploration.Under the guidance of Marxism,the Communist Party of China has inherited,developed and innovated socialist modernization in light of specific historical and national conditions,and formed the Chinese path to modernization oriented towards common prosperity.From the perspective of historical dimension,Chinese path to modernization has unique historical resources and magnificent historical processes,and the concept of common prosperity of the ancestors of the Chinese nation,the pursuit of common prosperity by people with lofty ideals in modern times,and the Marxist exploration of common prosperity together constitute the historical resources for its development,providing a unique historical connotation for the practice of common prosperity in socialist modernization.Through the new democratic revolution,socialist revolution and construction,the century of magnificent exploration since the reform and opening up,and the new era,the Communist Party of China has injected and expanded the connotation of common prosperity into the formation and development of the Chinese path to modernization.The common prosperity dimension of the Chinese path to modernization means that the Communist Party of China has restored the subjectivity of workers within the framework of the socialist system,and the contradiction between the logic of capital multiplication and the logic of human development has been reconciled,that is,the common prosperity dimension of Chinese path to modernization not only has a far-reaching impact on socialist modernization,but also provides“Chinese wisdom”for mankind to explore the new form of civilization and a“Chinese plan”for latecomer countries to take a new path of modernization.It is an original modernization exploration of pioneering significance in the process of world historical development,which will profoundly affect and change the development trend of world history in the future.
作者 胡博成 朱忆天 HU Bocheng;ZHU Yitian(School of Marxism,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期267-277,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“习近平总书记关于坚持系统观念的重要论述研究”(21JZD003)。
关键词 中国式现代化 共同富裕 全体人民共同富裕 驾驭资本 中国特色社会主义 全面建设社会主义现代化国家 Chinese path to modernization common prosperity common prosperity for everyone harnessing capital socialism with Chinese characteristics building a modern socialist country in an all-round way
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