

Research on the Regulations on Cross-border Flow of Personal Data in Europe and United States:Conflict and Coordination——A Study on the Case of Invalidation of the“Safe Harbor”and“Privacy Shield”by the European Court of Justice
摘要 个人数据跨境流动对欧美之间商贸往来的发展至关重要。欧美个人数据跨境流动规制模式在立法价值、立法模式和法律执行方面都存在较大差异,《安全港协议》和《隐私盾协议》的相继签署为欧美之间跨境数据的传输扫除了障碍:但欧盟将维护公民的信息隐私权利作为其创制个人数据规制法律时的基本遵循,美国则把相关法律的制定作为促进其经济发展的手段,两者在立法取向和立法理念上的差异最终导致欧盟司法部门分别将两个协议判定为失效,这两个失效协议也是欧美在数字经济发展方面展开激烈竞争的具体表现。在后隐私盾时代,欧美在个人数据跨境流动规制方面的分歧仍然难以彻底消除。文章认为:要消除此分歧,需要探寻可行性措施,这不仅有利于欧美个人数据跨境流动规制难题的解决,也有助于我国个人数据跨境流动规制框架的构建。 Cross-border flow of personal data is crucial ti the development of commercial exchanges between Europe and the US.Despite significant differences in terms of the legislative value,legislative mode,and law enforcement,the successive signing of the“Safe Harbor”and“Privacy Shield”Agreements has cleared the obstacles for cross-border data transmission between Europe and the US.The EU regards safeguarding citizens'right to privacy of information as a basic principle when formulating personal data regulation laws,US,on the other hand,regards the formulation of relevant laws as a means to boost its economic strength.The differences between the two in legislative orientation and philosophy ultimately led to the EU judiciary to invalid the two agreements.These two invalid agreements are also a concrete manifestation of the fierce competition between Europe and US in digital economy.In the post-privacy shield era,it is still difficult to bridge the differences between the two sides.To this end,it's argued that in order to solve this dispute,it's necessary to explore feasible measures,which not only helps to address the regulatory dilemma of Europe and US,but also helps to construct a regulatory framework for cross-border personal data flow in China.
作者 何东 He Dong(Law School of Qinghai Minzu University,Xining 810007)
出处 《中阿科技论坛(中英文)》 2023年第11期158-162,共5页 China-Arab States Science and Technology Forum
基金 青海民族大学2023年度研究生创新项目“个人数据跨境流动立法规制的制度设计研究”(04M2023078)。
关键词 个人数据跨境流动 《安全港协议》 《隐私盾协议》 个人数据治理与保护 Cross-border flow of personal data The Safe Harbor Agreement Privacy Shield Agreement Personal data governance and protection
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