

A Textual Research on the Manuscript of Hashikawa Tokio's The Compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu
摘要 中国科学院藏《四库全书编纂考》稿本一部,共三卷。此稿上卷、中卷、下卷首页题有“桥川时雄子雍撰”字样,中国科学院文献情报中心据稿本题签,确定该稿为桥川时雄所著。2017年学苑出版社出版《中国科学院文献情报中心藏古籍珍本丛书》第1辑,收录《四库全书编纂考》一稿。《四库全书编纂考》自1939年撰成初稿后,并未整理出版,遂埋没世间80余年。迄至今日,此稿亦鲜有学者关注。这部诞生于民国时期的四库学研究成果有很重要的学术地位,其不仅为民国四库学研究成果增加了一份有分量的著作,更是为海外学者关注四库学研究提供了关键性证据。这部稿本的版本特征极为复杂,有中文、日文两种字体,所用纸笔为“仿文津阁四库全书样式”,补充内容的衬纸用桥川专用稿笈纸,虽是誉抄本但墨笔涂改、删削之处较多。此稿相较众多民国时期四库学研究成果,具有“讲义式”特点。此稿对《四库馆进呈书籍底簿》的重视,对四库馆臣事迹的考证,对稿本、阁本、定本《四库全书总目》提要的比勘研究,对于当下四库学研究亦具有启发意义。 The Chinese Academy of Sciences has a three volume manuscript of The Compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu.The title of the first page,the middle page and the lower page of this draft is"writen by Hashikawa Tokio Ziyong".According to the title of the draft,the literature and information center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences determined that the draft was written by Hashikawa Tokio.In 2017,Xueyuan Publishing House published The First Series of Rare Ancient Books Collected by the Literature and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,which included a draft of The Compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu.Since the first draft was written in 1939,the compilation examination has not been sorted out and published,so it has disappeared in the world for more than 80 years.Up to now,this draft has also attracted the attention of scholars.The research results of the study of Si Ku born in the period of the Republic of China have a very important academic position.It not only adds a valuable work to the research results of the study of Si Ku in the Republic of China,but also provides key evidence for overseas scholars to pay attention to the research of the study of Si Ku.The version features of this manuscript are extremely complex.There are two fonts in Chinese and Japanese.The paper used is"imitating the style of the four libraries of Wenjin Pavilion",and the backing paper for the supplementary content is Qiaochuan special manuscript paper.Although it is a transcript,there are many changes and deletions with ink pen.Compared with many research results of the study of Si Ku in the period of the Republic of China,this draft has the characteristics of"handout style".This draft's emphasis on the book Base Book Presented by the Si Ku Guan,the textual research on the deeds of the officials of the Si Ku Guan,and the comparative research on the abstracts of the manuscript,the cabinet and the final general catalogue are also of enlightening significance to the current the study of Si Ku.
作者 张晓芝 Zhang Xiaozhi
出处 《四库学》 2022年第2期81-116,197,198,共38页 The Study of Si Ku Quan Shu
基金 国家社科基金项目“《四库全书》集部底本研究”(18XZW013)的阶段性成果。
关键词 桥川时雄 《四库全书编纂考》 四库文献群 Hashikawa Tokio The Compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu the Study of Si Ku Literature Group
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  • 1吴骞.《抱经堂集序》,卢文弨.《抱经堂文集》附录一,北京:中华书局,1990年,第467页.
  • 2吴格.《桥川时雄与<续修四库全书总目提要>编纂》,《域外汉籍研究集刊》第4辑,中华书局2008年版,第375-386页.
  • 3[日]今村与志雄.《桥川时雄著译年表》,《文字同盟》第3卷,汲古书院1991年版,第644-666页.
  • 4[日]今村与志雄.《后记》,《文字同盟》第3卷,第667-668页.
  • 5[日]今村与志雄.《刊行语--代序》,《文字同盟》第1卷,第3页.
  • 6[日]小尾郊一.《陶集版本源流考解说》,《文字同盟》第3卷,第566页.









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