针对传统鱼体头尾及腹背定向输送由人工操作完成,劳动强度大、生产效率低等问题,该研究探索了利用机器视觉技术结合输送装置实现鱼体头尾及腹背定向排列输送的方法。该研究以鲐鱼(Scomber japonicus)为研究对象,在对鱼体形态特征及物理特性检测的基础上,设计了由鱼体提升装置、鱼体分离输送装置、鱼体头尾及腹背定向输送装置、鱼体返回输送装置、定向控制系统等部件组成的鲐鱼鱼体定向排列输送装置;构建YOLOv5s目标检测模型对鲐鱼的头尾朝向和腹背朝向进行识别,并根据识别结果控制鱼体定向排列输送完成鲐鱼的头尾和腹背定向作业,检测模型在测试集上的精确率为99.76%,召回率为99.59%,平均检测精度值为99.5%;试制了鱼体定向排列输送装置样机,以单条鱼体提升成功率为评价指标,对不同输送速度下鱼体提升装置的输送效果进行试验;同时以鱼体的头尾定向成功率和腹背定向成功率作为评价指标,以鱼体提升装置输送速度、鱼体分离输送装置输送速度、鱼体头尾及腹背定向输送装置输送速度为试验因素,对鱼体定向排列输送装置的定向输送效果进行试验。试验结果表明:鱼体提升装置在不同输送速度下,都能有效实现鱼体单条分离并向上提升,且不存在鱼体重叠向上输送的情况;当鱼体提升装置输送速度为0.05 m/s、鱼体分离输送装置输送速度为0.45 m/s、鱼体头尾及腹背定向输送装置输送速度为0.60 m/s时,鲐鱼鱼体的头尾定向成功率平均为97.2%,腹背定向成功率平均为95.6%,鱼体定向输送速度可达15条/min。研究结果可为其他淡水鱼鱼体定向排列输送装置的研制提供参考。
This study aims to realize the head,tail and ventral dorsal orientation of fish bodies in conveyors using machine vision technology.The Scomber japonicus was taken as the object of study.The morphological and physical characteristics of the fish were used to design the mackerel body lifting device,the fish body separation device,the fish body head,fishtail and ventral dorsal directional conveying device,the fish body return conveying device,and the directional control system to form the mackerel body directional arrangement conveying device.The fish body lifting device included a spacer conveyor belt and brush rollers to separate and convey the fish upwards;the fish body separation device included a fish sliding mechanism and brush rollers to guide the fish from the lifting device to the fish separating device,in order to separate and convey the fish;the fish body head,tail and ventral dorsal directional conveying device consisted of an image acquisition device,head-and tailand ventral-dorsal directional actuator to convey the fish in a set head,tail and ventral dorsal directional direction.The fish return conveyor was used to return the fish with the wrong head and tail orientation,in order to the fish lifting device for reorientation.The mackerel dataset was created.The image data was then enhanced with brightness enhancement,Gaussian noise and rotation to enrich the number of training datasets.The annotation of the image data was finally realized.YOLOv5s was selected as the fish head,tail and ventral and dorsal orientation detection model,with an accuracy of 99.76%,a recall of 99.59%,and an average detection accuracy value of 99.5%.The head,tail and ventral and dorsal orientation of the fish were detected in real time on the device.The orientation control system consisted of an Arduino UNO controller,a computer and detection program,a CMOS industrial camera,a head and tail orientation actuator cylinder,a ventral and dorsal orientation actuator cylinder,a solenoid valve,an optocoupler isolated relay,a photoelectric sensor and a power supply.The orientation control system controlled the head,tail and ventral dorsal orientation of the mackerel using the identification results of the fish head,tail and ventral dorsal orientation model,and finally realized that the fish were transported forward in a certain head,tail and ventral dorsal orientation.As such,a prototype of the fish body directional arrangement conveying device was tested to verify the conveying effect of the fish body lifting device at different conveying speeds using the single fish body lifting success rate as the evaluation index.At the same time,the directional success rates of the fish body head and tail,as well as ventral and dorsal were used as evaluation indexes,and the conveying speed of the fish body lifting device,the conveying speed of the fish body separation conveying device,the fish body head,tail and ventral and dorsal directional conveying.A series of tests were performed on the effect of the directional transport of fish in a directional arrangement transport device.The test results show that the fish lifting device effectively separated and lifted the fish at different conveying speeds,and there was no overlapping of the fish upwards.The directional conveying speed of the fish body reached 15 pieces/min when the conveying speed of the fish lifting device was 0.05 m/s,the conveying speed of the fish separating device was 0.45 m/s,and the conveying speed of the fish head,tail and ventral dorsal orientation device was 0.60 m/s.The finding can offer a strong reference for the development of freshwater fish orientation conveyors.
WAN Peng;HUANG Yuyi;WANG Rong;LI Mengke;XIAO Changyu;WU Wenjin(College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Intelligent Equipment in South China,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Guangzhou 510630,China;Key Laboratory of Aquaculture Facilities Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wuhan 430070,China;Research Institute of Agricultural Products Processing and Nuclear-agricultural Technology,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430070,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
machine vison
target detection
Scomber japonicus
cephalad orientation
ventral dorsal orientation