
中西方的辩论传统之辨:词源内涵、媒介偏倚与文化差异 被引量:1

Debate Traditions in China and the West:Etymological Connotation,Bias of Media and Cultural Differences
摘要 辩论是一种通过言辞来解释和论证自己观点并与另一观点进行交锋的表达行为。辩论的历史十分悠久,早在轴心时代,中西方就出现了丰富的辩论实践,也形成了各具特色的辩论观念和辩论文化。与西方注重竞争、程序与逻辑的辩论观念相比,中国古代的辩论观念更加注重辩论之于社会的“治理功能”,东汉许慎将“辩”解释为“治也”,就呈现了这种本土文化内涵。在辩论场所方面,西方的辩论多在议会和法庭上展开,受众广泛,具有较强的表演性,形成了一种“广场模式”。古代中国的辩论则多在朝堂之上进行,主要目的为说服君主,呈现出一种“宫廷模式”。中国古代发达的文字传统及“文书行政”的“早熟”,使得中国的辩论不仅依托口头表达,且十分倚重书面媒介,“论辨”甚至成为一种文章体式。书面化也使得中国式辩论可以穿越时空、脱离现场,更具灵活性。秦汉以后,随着“儒法国家”的成型,儒家和法家的辩论观念成为主流,“墨辩”“名辩”及纵横家式的“雄辩”日益式微,“贬辩”传统得以形成。这与西方自古希腊以来传承至今的“尚辩”传统形成了鲜明对比。中西方的两种辩论传统植根于不同的历史、政治和文化背景,各有特色,迄今仍然影响着当代人的传播观念和传播行为。 Debate,as an expressive act involving the explanation and justification of one's perspective while engaging with opposing viewpoints,possesses a rich and enduring history.Its roots extend far back,with notable practices emerging during the Axial Age in both China and the Western world.These diverse historical contexts gave rise to distinctive debate concepts and cultures.In contrast to the Western concept of debate,which emphasizes competition,formal procedures,and logical rigor,ancient Chinese debate placed a stronger emphasis on the societal"governing function"inherent to this practice.This emphasis is exemplified by Xu Shen's interpretation of"debate"as"governing"during the Eastern Han Dynasty,highlighting the local cultural nuances.Regarding debate venues,Western debates predominantly unfolded in parliamentary and judicial settings,characterized by broad audiences and a performative nature,forming what could be termed a"square model."Conversely,ancient Chinese debates primarily took place in court halls,with the primary aim of persuading monarchs,thus embodying a"palace model".The developed tradition of writing in ancient China,coupled with the early maturation of"clerical administration,"not only facilitated oral expression in Chinese-style debates but also placed significant reliance on written media.This reliance led to the emergence of"argumentation"as a distinct style of writing.Writing enabled Chinese-style debates to transcend temporal and spatial constraints,allowing them to persist independently of the immediate context,offering greater flexibility.Following the Qin and Han Dynasties,with the establishment of the"Confucian-Legalist state",Confucian and Legalist debate concepts assumed dominance,ultimately culminating in the tradition of"derogatory debate".This tradition sharply contrasts with the Western legacy of"constructive debate"that has endured since ancient Greece.The distinct debate traditions in China and the West trace their origins to varying historical,political,and cultural backgrounds,each bearing unique characteristics.Importantly,these traditions continue to influence contemporary notions of communication and behavior.
作者 潘祥辉 伍栋阳 Pan Xianghui;Wu Dongyang
出处 《传媒观察》 2023年第10期46-57,共12页 Media Observer
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“传播学视角下儒家经典的‘经典化’过程研究”(21BXW095)阶段性成果。
关键词 辩论 中西比较 传播观念 华夏传播 传播考古学 debate east-west comparison communication concepts Chinese communication communication archaeology
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