
国际社交媒体上中国形象的意见-情感特征与媒介驱动机制 被引量:2

The Opinion Emotional Characteristics and Media Driving Mechanism of China's Image on International Social Media Platforms
摘要 海外社交媒体上呈现的中国形象融合了平台特征、技术算法和公众意见。基于媒介可供性理论、议程设置理论和认知-情感理论,对新冠肺炎疫情发生后国际社交网站Twitter,Facebook,YouTube,Instagram,TikTok上的中国议题进行数据挖掘和可视化呈现,结果发现:在议程呈现机制上,存在议题主导与异质取向并存的差异特征;在意见领袖与过滤机制上,个人账号占据数量优势,机构账号占据流量优势,二者互动促成意见流瀑的形成;在机器账号渗入方面,体现出政治、经济议题的强渗入性;在意见挖掘与情感分析可视化图景下,“意见孵化”“文化流量”和“情感极性”多元交叉的复杂分布样态成为平台属性划分标准的主导特征。希望对从技术、意见与情感多元角度理解海外社交媒体上的中国形象带来启发。 The image of China presented on overseas social media is the result of the collision of platform features,technological algorithms and public opinions.Based on the media availability theory,agenda setting theory and cognitive affective theory,data mining and visual presentation of Chinese issues on international social networking sites like Twitter,Facebook,YouTube,Instagram and TikTok after the COVID-19 epidemic were carried out.The results showed that:in terms of agenda presentation mechanism,there were differences between issue dominance and heterogeneous orientation.In terms of opinion leaders and filtering mechanisms,individual accounts dominate the number and institutional accounts dominate the flow,and the interaction between the two contributes to the formation of opinion flow waterfall.In terms of machine account infiltration,data reflects strong infiltration of political and economic issues.Under the visualization of opinion mining and sentiment analysis,the complex distribution pattern of“opinion incubation”“cultural flow”and“emotional polarity”that intersect multiple factors has become the dominant feature to classify platform attributes.The study hopes to provide inspiration for understanding China's image in overseas social media from multiple perspectives.
作者 韩瑞霞 谭欣仪 张佳榕 HAN Ruixia;TAN Xinyi;ZHANG Jiarong(School of Media and Communication,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期10-19,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目“智媒时代中国形象‘元结构’测量及国际传播策略优化研究”(21BXW053) 上海交通大学创新实践项目(T200PRP41004) 上海交通大学大学生创新实践项目(IPP25183)。
关键词 中国形象 社交媒体 议程浮现 意见领袖 社交机器人 China's image social media agenda emerging opinion leader social bots
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