Cost sensitive learning is to avoid misclassification of a few class samples as much as possible.It is one of the important methods to solve the problem of class imbalance by setting different misclassification costs for each class of samples.It is one of the important methods to solve the problem of class imbalance.However,the defect is that the specific distribution of samples in the feature space is not considered.To solve this problem,based on the weighted extreme learning machine and the concept of fuzzy weighting,this paper proposes a new concept with stronger robustness called relative density information.This method calculates the relative density between training samples through the K-nearest neighbor probability density estimation strategy,which can avoid the calculation of probability density directly in high-dimensional space.Then this paper designs the membership function which fuzzifies and personalizes the weight of each sample,and replace the weight matrix in the weighted extreme learning machine with the weight matrix generated by the above method,so as to design the fuzzy cost sensitive extreme learning machine based on the intra class relative density information and the fuzzy cost sensitive extreme learning machine based on the inter class relative density information.Finally,the effectiveness and feasibility of the two algorithms are verified by 20 binary unbalanced data sets randomly obtained from Keel warehouse.According to the experimental results,compared with the popular class imbalance learning algorithms,the proposed algorithms have better performance in G-mean and other evaluation indexes,so the prediction model constructed by the proposed algorithms has better prediction performance.
LIU Yipeng;GAO Shang(Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212000)
Computer & Digital Engineering
class imbalance learning
relative density information
fuzzy set
cost sensitive
extreme learning machine