

An Analysis of the Paradox of America's"Rules-based Order"from the Perspective of the South China Sea Dispute
摘要 美国近年对南海问题的介入加深,突出特点是将“基于规则的秩序”作为理论和政策依据,希望以此构建美国主导下的南海地区安全秩序。然而美国在南海的具体行动,却与其论调背道而驰,反而造成南海问题失规失序。因此有必要对其正本清源,在理论和实践层面进行理性分析,凸显其知行矛盾。“基于规则的秩序”缘起于美国官方近年来的外交表态,是冷战后美国南海政策系统演进的一个切面,目的是借此将其对南海问题的介入固定化、合法化和道义化。然而在学理层面,秩序的构建不仅基于单一的规则因素,还受实力分布和价值理念等综合影响。即使是规则本身也非一成不变,而是多方长期磨合博弈的结果。因此“基于规则的秩序”中的“规则”是含糊其词的,基于此建立的“秩序”只是美国的霸权秩序,目的是维护其自身利益。近年来美国实施的“航行自由”、军演等行动,导致南海塑规迟滞、秩序动荡,加剧南海问题失序,损害了地区安全。 In recent years,the United States has deepened its involvement in the South China Sea issue,which is characterized by taking the"rules-based order"as the theoretical and policy basis,hoping to build a security order in the South China Sea area under its own leadership.However,the actual acts of the United States in the South China Sea run counter to its rhetoric.On the contrary,the South China Sea area is outside of its previous order.Therefore,it is necessary to make a rational analysis from the viewpoints of theory and practice to highlight the contradiction between the United States,cognition and action.The rhetoric of a"rules-based order"has originated in the official diplomatic statements of the United States in recent years,which is one of the facets of the evolution of the South China Sea policy system of the United States after the Cold War.The purpose of this rhetoric is to immobilize,legitimize,and moralize its involvement in the South China Sea issue.At the academic level,however,the construction of order is not only based on a single factor of rule,but also influenced by the power distribution and value concept.Even the rules themselves are not set in stone.From this perspective,the"rule"of the"rules-based order"is ambiguous,and the"order"established on this basis is only the the United States'order,with the purpose of safeguarding its own interests.In recent years,the Freedom of Navigation,military exercises,and the Indo-Pacific Strategy carried out by the United States have caused some obstacles in shaping the South China Sea regulation,creating turbulences in the regional order,which has aggravated the disorder of the South China Sea issue and undermined regional security.
作者 范佳睿 翟崑 Fan Jiarui;Zhai Kun
出处 《美国研究》 北大核心 2023年第5期128-160,8,共34页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
基金 2020年国家社科基金重大项目“印太战略下‘东盟中心地位’重构与中国—东盟共建‘海上丝绸之路’研究”(编号:20&ZD145)的阶段性成果。
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