
以技术交流互鉴助力中华民族现代文明建设 被引量:1

Technological Exchanges and Mutual Learning Help the Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation
摘要 科学发现、技术创新是事关中华民族伟大复兴的重大课题,是建设中华民族现代文明的应有之义。科学技术只有造福人类才能成就文明。文明升级是一个实实在在的、全面进化的现代化过程。人类走过从马车到汽车、从油灯到电灯、从算盘到电脑、从互联网到人工智能的一系列科学技术进步过程,是现代化和现代文明不断推进的过程。建设中华民族现代文明,必须坚定不移地按照习近平总书记的指示精神,全面贯彻党中央的战略部署,推进中国特色社会主义文化建设,进一步完善和创新我国科学发现、技术创新的文化氛围,构建中国自主知识体系,为科学发明、技术创新厚植肥沃的文化土壤,使新型举国科学技术体制释放出更大活力、创新力,推动我国科学技术迭代创新、颠覆性式发展,不断夯实中国式现代化的坚实科学技术基础,推动中华民族复兴伟业行稳致远。 Scientific discovery and technological innovation are major topics related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and are essential to building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.Science and technology can only achieve civilization when they benefit mankind.The upgrading of civilization is a real and comprehensively evolving process of modernization.Human beings have gone through a series of scientific and technological progress from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles,from oil lamps to electric lamps,from abacus to computers,from the Internet to artificial intelligence,which is the process of continuous advancement of modernization and modern civilization.To build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation,we must firmly follow the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping,fully implement the strategic plan of the CPC Central Committee,promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,further improve and innovate the cultural atmosphere of scientific discovery and technological innovation in China,and build China's independent knowledge system.Then we could plant fertile cultural soil for scientific invention and technological innovation,and release greater vitality and innovation in the new national science and technology system so as to promote the iterative innovation and subversive development of science and technology in China,continuously consolidate the scientific and technological foundation of Chinese-style modernization,and promote the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to be stable and far-reaching.
作者 丁元竹 Ding Yuanzhu
出处 《行政管理改革》 北大核心 2023年第10期4-13,共10页 Administration Reform
关键词 科学技术 交流互鉴 中华民族现代文明 建设 Science and Technology Exchanges and Mutual Learning Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation Construction
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