The issue of “criminal protection of legal rights of data” can be explored theoretically from two perspectives: “criminal law interpretation” and “criminal law legislation”. The methodology of “criminal law interpretation” starts from the current criminal law accusation system, mainly for revealing which crimes are set up with the purpose of protecting “legal rights of data and interests” as the normative standard. The “theory of criminal law legislation” methodology is to explore the legitimacy of the criminal law protection of legal rights of data and interests at the level of criminal law legislation, and to explore the types of behaviors that are prohibited by criminal penalties. However, both methodologies will rely on the determination of the connotation of “legal rights of data” and the identification of legal interests. In other words, it is the specific application of the theory of criminal law interests to the issue of criminal law protection of legal rights of data. Article 127 of the Civil Code is not a provision on the confirmation of legal rights of data, and in the context of many disputes in the theoretical circle of civil law about the legal attributes of legal rights of data, the unclear connotation and legal attributes of “legal rights of data” have led to its lack of “legal interest” status as a protected object of criminal law. The current approach to the protection of legal rights of data in the criminal law theory community is a misreading of the criminal law approach to the protection of legal interests, and does not address the substantive issues of the normative aspects of criminal law protection of legal rights of data. The approach to the concept of “data security” legal interest not only confuses the distinction between the concept of “data crime” at the phenomenological and normative levels, but also leads to overly arbitrary conclusions due to the lack of argumentation on how “data security” can constitute a protected legal interest under criminal law. In terms of theoretical discussion, it is necessary to clarify the distinction between the concept of “data” on the physical level as the object of behavior and the concept of “legal rights of data” on the legal interest level as the object of protection, and accordingly determine whether the “criminal protection of legal rights of data” constitutes a new issue at the normative level.
SJTU Law Review
Legal Rights of Data
Protection of Legal Interest
Data Crime
Data Security