
慢性阻塞性肺疾病的中药复方治疗专利现状及用药规律 被引量:2

Patent Status of Chinese Medicine Compound for the Treatment of COPD and Medication Rules
摘要 目的:探析我国治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的中药复方专利分布现状及用药配伍规律。方法:基于中国知网专利数据库检索并筛选治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的中药复方专利,获取专利公开时间、申请人/申请单位所属地区以及复方用药等信息并进行规范化处理,在Excel软件中进行频次、频率统计,并应用数据挖掘软件进行关联规则、聚类和复杂网络分析。结果:共筛选出中药复方专利96个,专利数量基本呈平稳增长趋势,山东、河南、四川等地相关专利数量较多,涉及中药316味,药物四气以温、平性为主,五味多甘、辛,归经多属肺、脾经。频次较高的前10位中药分别为黄芪、陈皮、甘草、半夏、苦杏仁、茯苓、麻黄、白术、五味子、紫菀;常用药物组合为“半夏—陈皮—茯苓—甘草”“白术—陈皮—茯苓”“白术—半夏—茯苓”等;聚类分析共得到6类药物;核心药物网络由29味中药组成。结论:治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的中药复方专利申请日益受到重视,用药基本遵循扶正祛邪原则,以补肺健脾、理气化痰为主,兼顾疏风祛邪、温肾纳气、益气养阴、活血通络等治法。 Objective:To explore the patent distribution and drug compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)compound for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)in China.Methods:TCM compound patent for the treatment of COPD were searched and screened from the patent database of CNKI,to obtain the information including the patent disclosure time,the region of the applicant/application units and medication of TCM compound,and to conduct normalized processing,the frequency statistics were carried out in Excel software,and the data mining software was used for association rule analysis,cluster analysis and complex network analysis.Results:A total of 96 patents were selected,and the number of patents basically showed a trend of steady growth,the number of patents in Shandong,Henan,Sichuan and other places was relatively high,involving 316 herbs,four properties of them were mainly warm and mild,the five flavors were mostly sweet and pungent,and the meridian tropism mainly belonged to lung and spleen.The top ten herbs with high frequency were Huangqi(Astragalus Membranaceus),Chenpi(Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae),Gancao(Glycyrrhiza Uralensis),Banxia(Pinellia Ternata),Kuxingren(Bitter Almond),Fuling(Poria Cocos),Mahuang(Ephedra),Baizhu(Atractylodes Macrocephala),Wuweizi(Schisandra Chinensis)and Ziwan(Aster);the commonly-used drug combinations were"Banxia-Chenpi-Fuling-Gancao","Banxia-Chenpi-Fuling"and"Baizhu-Banxia-Fuling";cluster analysis yielded six classes of drugs;the core drug network consisted of 29 herbal medicines.Conclusion:Growing attention has been paid to the patent application of TCM compound for the treatment of COPD,its application of the medicine basically follows the principle of enhancing healthy Qi and eliminating the pathogen,with the main focus on tonifying the lungs and strengthening the spleen,regulating Qi and resolving phlegm,and taking into account the treatment of dispelling wind and eliminating the evil,warming the kidneys and nourishing Qi,benefiting Qi and nourishing Yin,and activating blood circulation and dredging the collateral.
作者 陈一凡 李雁 褚岩 程淼 曾燕鹏 邹乔 孔煜荣 陈瑜 CHEN Yifan;LI Yan;CHU Yan;CHENG Miao;ZENG Yanpeng;ZOU Qiao;KONG Yurong;CHEN Yu(Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《西部中医药》 2023年第11期84-89,共6页 Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC1704100,2018YFC1704101) 北京中医药薪火传承“3+3”工程项目(2016-SZB-34) 北京中医药大学东直门医院横向课题(HX-DZM-2017019)。
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 中药复方 专利 现状 数据挖掘 COPD Chinese medicine compound patent status data mining
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