Crop wild relatives(CWRs)deliver untapped genetic diversity,as they contain valuable breeding traits absent in the cultivated pool,e.g.,traits imparting climate resilience.Facilitating genetic material from CWRs to breeding programs can advance effective traits and broaden the genetic base of cultivated crops(Bohra et al.,2022).The availability of genetic diversity in crop breeding programs is important for accelerating crop production while safeguarding food safety and agricultural sustainability.Crop domestication and artificial selection have paved the way for crop cultivars tailored to evolving human requirements and modern cultivation practices.However,domestication and breeding have significantly reduced genetic diversity in modern crops(Khan et al.,2020;Bohra et al.,2022).Owing to the extensive genetic and phenotypic variability,CWRs serve as valuable genetic reservoirs for crop improvement(Bohra et al.,2022;Li et al.,2023).The use of CWRs in breeding programs is not that straightforward,as linkage drags often remain difficult to overcome.