

On the Justiciability of the Approval of Accident Investigation Report
摘要 自2018年以来,对事故调查报告批复提起的行政诉讼呈明显上升的态势。从最高人民法院和各高级人民法院公开的判例来看,多数判例认为事故调查报告批复在一定条件下具有可诉性,但此非定论。由于事故调查报告的形成以及各级人民政府对此作出批复的过程中,通常会涉及诸多环节、众多部门、各类主体,具有较强的专业性、综合性、政策性,关乎受害群众的抚慰、社会秩序的稳定以及诸多方面的评价等,是突发事件应急管理体制的重要组成部分,在当前和今后的社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,因此,司法权的介入应当慎重,应当把握好审查的时机与限度等问题。内部行政行为外化、行政行为的成熟性以及过程性等理论对事故调查报告批复的可诉性均有一定的解释力,这些理论已经深刻影响了司法实践并导致了不同的裁判结果。最高法对于此类案件的可诉与否尚未统一意见。或许可以将行政复议前置作为处理此类案件的一种选择,如此,既能充分保障行政机关的首次判断权与自我监督权,又能关照到此类案件的特殊性与复杂性,切实维护各方的合法权益以及司法权作为最终救济手段的权威性,发挥行政复议化解行政争议的主渠道作用。 Since 2018,the administrative litigation filed in response to the accident investigation report has shown a significant upward trend.Judging from the public precedents of the Supreme People's Court and the higher people's courts,most precedents believe that the approval of accident investigation reports is actionable under certain conditions,but this is not conclusive.Due to the formation of the accident investigation report and the process of the people's governments at all levels to make a reply,often involves many links,many departments,all kinds of main body,and has strong professional,comprehensive,political elements,relates to the victim's comfort,the stability of the social order,the evaluation of all aspects and so on,it is an important part of the emergency management system,it will play an increasingly important role in the current and future social life,therefore,the intervention of judicial power should be cautious,should grasp the timing and limit of the review and other issues.The theories of externalization of internal administrative behavior,maturity and process of administrative behavior have certain explanatory power for the actionability of accident investigation report approval,which has affected judicial practice and led to different referee results.The Supreme Court seems to be somewhat difficult and uncertain about whether such cases can be sued or not,and there is no unified opinion.It may be possible to take the preposition of administrative reconsideration as an option to deal with such cases.In this way,it can not only fully guarantee the first judgment right and self-supervision right of administrative organs,but also take into account the particularity and complexity of such cases,and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and the authority of judicial power as the ultimate remedy,and to play the role of the main channel of administrative reconsideration to resolve administrative disputes.
作者 习剑平 XI Jianping
出处 《法治研究》 2023年第6期34-47,共14页 Research on Rule of Law
基金 2021年江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目“内部行政行为的外部化及司法审查研究”(项目编号:FX21104)阶段性成果。
关键词 事故调查报告 批复 可诉性 内部行政行为 复议前置 accident investigation report reply complaintability internal administrative behavior preposition of reconsideration
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