The polymerization of styrene easily occurred in the styrene unit at Sinopec Qingdao Refining and Chemical Co.,Ltd.during high-temperature distillation,and styrene polymers that are toxic to the products were easily produced.It was necessary to add retarders during distillation to slow down the polymerization reaction.The retarder used during the initial operation was DNBP,a DNBP-50%ethylbenzene solution that can effectively slow down the occurrence of polymerization reaction during distillation.However,it easily caused water pollution due to its high toxicity and high water solubility,and it had many shortcomings in production such as large amount of addition,high tar production and high nitrogen content.After investigation,the DNBP was replaced with QMPS,a QMPS-70%ethylbenzene solution.With less effective retarder components,its toxicity can be reduced and it is not easily soluble in water,effectively avoiding the water pollution during production.Through the analysis of the usage of QMPS in the past three months as well as the comparison of these two retarders in terms of the ability to inhibit polymer generation,the degree of impact on styrene distillation operation,the amount of production waste such as tar,and the economic indicators,the QMPS has good trial results and can completely replace DNBP as the distillation retarder for industrial use in styrene plants.
Zhou Hao;Yang Ke(Sinopec Qingdao Refining&Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao Shandong 266043)
Sino-Global Energy