

Gender,Identity and Rights:Research on the Issue of Female Household Heads in Xizhou,Tang Dynasty——Focusing on Turpan Household Register Documents
摘要 从词源释义演变而言,大女称谓是对女性婚姻身份及家中排行辈分的一种体现,具有长者为尊之内涵,然唐西州语境下的户主大女则是对家无男性而独立承户女性的特有称谓。唐西州大女承户有着丰富的性别意蕴,家庭、环境、时局等多因素使然下的大女承户,体现了女性在家庭社会中不容忽视的身份地位。官方对大女承户的实名造籍,不仅隐喻了姓名符号代称下的女性独立与社会责任,也反映出王朝国家对女性权利和法律地位的认可,还体现了家国同构下君臣对民的仁爱体恤。这都冲击了“男外女内”的礼教思想,增强了女性参与社会活动的正当性。同时,中国古代倚重男性承担赋役维系王朝国家延续发展的治理模式,又将女性承户蒙上了浓厚的男权色彩。 From the perspective of etymology and evolution,the title of eldest daughter is a reflection of a woman's marital status and seniority in the family.It has a connotation of respecting the elders.However,in the context of Xizhou,Tang Dynasty,the title of the head of the household's eldest daughter,refers to a unique title for women who held independent households in the family without sons.The eldest female holding households in Xizhou of the Tang Dynasty has rich gender connotations.The eldest female holding households is influenced by many factors such as family,environment,and current situation,which reflects the status of women in family society that cannot be ignored.The official creation of real-name registrations for eldest female holding households not only metaphorically represents women's independence and social responsibilities under the names and symbols,but also reflects the dynasty's recognition of women's rights and legal status as well as the benevolence and compassion of the king and the subjects to the people.This has impacted the etiquette of "men outside and women within" and strengthened the legitimacy of women's participation in social activities.At the same time,ancient China's governance model,which relied heavily on men to bear taxes and servitude to maintain the continual development of the dynasty,casts a strong patriarchal features on female holding households.
作者 张嫣娟 Zhang Yanjuan
出处 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2023年第5期66-81,189,共17页 Journal of Chinese Culture
关键词 吐鲁番户籍文书 唐西州 户主大女 承户 Turpan Household Register Documents Xizhou of Tang Dynasty Female Household Heads Hold Households
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