

Commuting intention of e-bikes based on improved planned behavior theory
摘要 为探讨特大城市电单车出行持续增长的内在原因,采用意愿调查+行为调查(SP+RP)问卷在北京市开展数据调查,以计划行为理论结合技术接受理论形成理论框架,选取感知有用性、感知易用性、出行态度、知觉行为控制、主观规范和行为意向6个心理潜变量,提出12条心理潜变量的作用关系路径假设,建立多指标多因果模型,分析个人社会经济属性和心理潜变量对电单车通勤出行意向的影响作用关系。研究结果表明:性别对出行者的电单车通勤出行态度和感知有用性有显著的正向影响;受教育程度对主观规范有显著的负向影响;个人月收入对知觉行为控制有显著的负向影响;是否拥有驾照对感知易用性有显著的正向影响;感知有用性、出行态度和知觉行为控制均对电单车行为意向存在显著的正向影响;主观规范对行为意向的影响不显著,但是通过出行态度和知觉行为控制间接影响行为意向;感知易用性通过感知有用性和出行态度间接影响行为意向;感知有用性是行为意向的最显著影响因素,其次是感知易用性;基于电单车的低出行成本和高出行便利性,通勤者对继续且经常使用电单车持肯定态度,也愿意向身边其他人推荐使用;自身能力和骑行技能对电单车出行效率起决定性作用,出行时间、路线选择自由和可以门对门直达对感知有用性影响大;因此,考虑电单车的出行需求在现行管理政策下会继续增长这一趋势,应重视电单车通勤人群多样性,完善充电设施,同时加强安全教育和骑行培训,提高电单车使用的安全性。 In order to explore the intrinsic reasons for the continuous growth of e-bike travel in megacities,a data survey was conducted in Beijing using stated preference+revealed prefereence(SP+RP)questionnaire,a theoretical framework was formed by combining the theory of planned behavior with the theory of technology acceptance,and a total of six psychological latent variables of perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,travel attitude,perceptual behavioral control,subjective norms,and behavioral intention were selected,and the hypotheses of 12 paths for the functional relationship of the psychological latent variables were put forward.A multiple indicators and multiple causes model was established to analyze the functional relationship between individual socio-economic attributes and psychological latent variables on e-bike commuting travel intention.The results show that gender has a significant positive effect on the travel attitude and perceived usefulness of e-bike commuting travel.Education level has a significant negative effect on subjective norms.Personal monthly income has a significant negative effect on perceptual behavioral control.Whether has driver's license has a significant positive effect on perceived ease of use.Perceived usefulness,travel attitude,and perceptual behavioral control have significant positive effects on the behavioral intention to e-bike commuting.Subjective norms do not have significant influence on behavioral intention,but indirectly influence behavioral intention through travel attitude and perceptual behavioral control.Perceived ease of use indirectly influences behavioral intention through perceived usefulness and travel attitude.Perceived usefulness is the most significant influencing factor on behavioral intention,followed by perceived ease of use.Based on the low travel cost and high travel convenience of e-bike,commuters have positive attitudes toward continuing and frequent use of it and are willing to recommend it to others around them.Drivers'ability and riding skills play a decisive role in the efficiency of e-bike travel,and the freedom of time and choice of travel routes and the possibility of direct door-to-door access have large impacts on perceived usefulness.Therefore,considering the trend that travel demand for e-bikes will continue to grow under the current management policy,emphasis should be placed on the diversity of the e-bike commuters,improving charging facilities,and at the same time enhancing safety education and riding training to improve the safety of e-bike.8 tabs,6 figs,44 refs.
作者 严海 李为康 郝明阳 YAN Hai;LI Wei-kang;HAO Ming-yang(Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期116-128,共13页 Journal of Chang’an University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFB1601300)。
关键词 交通工程 出行意向 计划行为理论 电单车 多指标多因果模型 技术接受理论 traffic engineering behavioral intention theory of planned behavior e-bike multiple indicators and multiple causes model technology acceptance theory
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