
“东盟方式”的理论阐释、演进动态与研究展望 被引量:5

Theoretical Interpretation,Evolutionary Dynamicsand Research Prospects of THE ASEAN WAY
摘要 全面完整、发展动态地理解“东盟方式”,是推进中国—东盟全面战略伙伴关系发展,构建更为紧密的中国—东盟命运共同体的重要前提。“东盟方式”是对东盟组织特征和组织运行的概括性表述,学界对此已有较多研究阐释并已形成一定共识。但伴随着《东南亚国家联盟宪章》等一系列制度的建构与实施,非正式性和弱制度性显然已不完全符合对“东盟方式”的动态认知;经济领域实施的“东盟-X”决策方式与执行程序规则,对东盟最初实行的全体一致的议事规则进行了修正,东盟参照世界贸易组织建立的争端解决机制,也提高了东盟决策在各成员国经济领域的效力层次;在缅甸危机中东盟提出了处理意见并采取了一定的制裁措施,突破或动摇了严格意义上的不干涉内政原则。通过对东盟各组织要素、运行机制等演进动态性观察,弱制度性、弱约束力和非强制性等已不能全面诠释“东盟方式”,学界对“东盟方式”的理解与解读存在一定程度的偏颇和滞后。同时,伴随着东南亚区域一体化的深入,“东盟方式”的变化将越来越多,因此对“东盟方式”的理解更不能固化。必须通过东盟实践,考察其组织运行和制度变化,才能完整、准确地把握“东盟方式”的内在逻辑。“东盟方式”经过长期的演进已经创造出一种新型的国际组织制度,该制度低于“欧盟方式”的高度集权化、高强度的组织行为能力和强制性的制度约束力,高于一般性的仅具有外交平台功能的国际组织论坛。“东盟方式”为区域一体化的道路提供了借鉴和启发,在一个差异化的世界里,甚至可以说“东盟方式”比“欧盟方式”更具有推广价值。 A comprehensive and dynamic understanding of the ASEAN Way is one of the necessary prerequisites for promoting the construction of a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future in the new era.The ASEAN Way is a general expression of the characteristics and operation of ASEAN,which has been extensively studied,interpreted and formed by the academic community.However,informality and weak institutionality are clearly no longer in line with the traditional understanding of the ASEAN Way with the construction and implementation of a series of systems such as the ASEAN Charter;the implementation of the“ASEAN minus X”formula in the economic field has revised the initially implemented unanimous procedureand the dispute resolution mechanism established by ASEAN in reference to the World Trade Organization also improves the effectiveness of ASEAN decision-making in the economic field of each member country;in the Myanmar crisis,suggestions were put forward and certain sanctions were taken,breaking or wavering the principle of non-interference in internal affairs in the strict sense.Through dynamic observation of the evolution of ASEAN's organizational elements and operational mechanisms,it is found that the ASEAN Way cannot be fully interpreted due to its weak institutionality,weak binding forceand non-mandatories,hence there is a certain degree of bias and lag in the academic understanding and interpretation of the ASEAN Way.At the same time,the deepening of regional integration in Southeast Asia will bring about more and more changes with regard to the ASEAN Way,making it even more difficult to solidify the understanding of it.Therefore,it is necessary to examine the organizational operation and institutional changes of ASEAN through practical experience to fully and accurately grasp the inherent logic of the ASEAN Way The ASEAN Way,which has been developed into a new type of international organization institution after long-term evolution,is inferior to the EU Way,which has highly centralized,high-strength organizational capacityand mandatory institutional binding force,whereassuperior to the general forums of international organizations that only function as diplomatic platforms.As The ASEAN Way provides lessons and inspiration for the path of regional integration,it can beeven said that compared with the EU Way,the ASEAN Way has more value for promotionin a differentiated world.
作者 戴轶 赖征世 刘晓婧 Dai Yi;Lai Zhengshi;Liu Xiaojing
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2023年第5期1-10,共10页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 研究阐释党的十九届六中全会精神国家社科基金重大项目“中国共产党百年奋斗中坚持独立自主经验研究”(22ZDA011)的阶段性成果。
关键词 东南亚国家联盟 东盟方式 “一带一路” 中国—东盟命运共同体 ASEAN ASEAN Way Belt and Road Initiative China-ASEAN community with a shared future
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