
大数据背景下数字版权保护研究 被引量:1

Research on Digital Copyright Protection under the Background of Big Data
摘要 大数据时代背景下,数字作品逐渐成为数字经济的重要产品。然而,随着数据开放共享模式的推进,数字作品被非法盗取的情况时有发生,数字版权安全难以得到保障,著作权人、版权所有者维权之路障碍重重。因此,在阐述数字版权保护相关概念的基础上,立足于我国数字版权保护现状,对版权保护现存的不足进行详细剖析,并从国家制度层面、技术应用层面以及公众意识层面提出切实可行的对策建议,以期构建和完善我国数字版权保护体系。 In the context of the big data era,digital works have gradually become an important product of the digital economy.However,with the advancement of the open sharing model of data,illegal theft of digital works has occurred from time to time,making it difficult to ensure the security of digital copyright,and there are numerous obstacles for copyright owners and copyright owners to protect their rights.Therefore,on the basis of elaborating on the relevant concepts of digital copyright protection,based on the current situation of digital copyright protection in China,a detailed analysis is conducted on the existing shortcomings of copyright protection,and practical and feasible countermeasures are proposed from the national institutional level,technical application level,and public awareness level,in order to build and improve China's digital copyright protection system.
作者 陈娜 余心怡 Chen Na;Yu Xinyi(School of Law and Humanities and Social Sciences,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《科技创业月刊》 2023年第10期26-30,共5页 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金人文社会科学创新基金项目(2020VI052)。
关键词 数字版权 版权保护 大数据 Digital Copyright Copyright Protection Big Data
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