
欠发达地区创新生态系统培育研究——以西部地区范式突破为例 被引量:1

Research on fostering innovation ecosystems in underdeveloped areas:Shifting of paradigm in West China
摘要 西部地区囿于传统产业发展范式的弊端,长期居于经济地理空间的劣势地位。以欠发达地区发展途径作为研究问题出发点,摒弃以往学科隔离、国别照搬、生硬进化的路线,选择“理论(依据)-实践(效果)”的逻辑范式作为研究进路。产业迁移范式将大概率地使得西部地区永远处于被动追随者地位,甚至迁移可能中断因而导致西部相对代差不断加大;地区突破范式下,西部难以发挥出类似东部的极化效应,反而处于竞争弱势地位,西部城乡矛盾也进一步拉大,加重欠发达程度;创新驱动范式,未将西部大部分地区视作主体,产业发展政策仍以东部特点为据制定实施,发挥不出西部特色潜力。全球秩序倾圮重建、民族复兴亟待实现,巍巍之势要求西部欠发达问题作为头等大事、必克之关,在坚持新发展理念下,从直线、辐射式的物理学思维向共生、包容式的生物学思维转变,以创新涌现范式带动国内创新链条与国际生产力资源重组,以在欠发达地区建立未来最高优势产业为目标的创新生态系统培育为思路,实现范式突破,有可能成为实现融合式发展和实现“中国式现代化”的康庄之衢。 China's west part has been historically located in a lower economic-geography spatial position,owing to the odds of traditional development paradigms.Taking the uprising paths of underdeveloped areas as the research focus,rather than the stubborn routines of discipline,nationality,timeline,etc.,we settle the research approach with the Theory-Practice Logic Identifications.There were three main paradigms being taken during the past decades.First of all,the Asian pattern argues that one industry migrate from upper country to downer country would make a mutual chance to embrace relatively better technologies,we named it as Industry-migration.The industry-migration paradigm,will probably have the western region situated in a follower place forever,and the gap even broader.Secondly,the experiences coming from revolution of Communist Party,formulated an effective way to meet a target quickly.It is to pour enormous labor and resources into a small bowl,which we named it zone-breaking.The zone-breakthrough paradigm,cannot achieve the overwhelming prospection comparing to eastern areas,which otherwise lead to a worse urban-rural contradiction.Dueto more and more talents and credits move into cities causing most of countryside area declines in one-way.Thirdly,innovation will disruptively boost economy-society structure upgrading.The innovation-driven paradigm always allows rich areas make a preceding movement and never treat the whole western region as a major actor.Besides,the innovation policies were drawn up according to the developed part,the interest and benefit of western area were limited to be a supporting substitute.In a word,these paradigms never had an insight into the huge potential force of western unique advantages.For instance,western area has marvelous culture creativity,which has great chances to change this top-ranking heritages and new products into financial achievements.Another good opportunity is western area has enormous room for a large population,especially for those ambitious high-educated exploiters,domestic and abroad.If such friendly regulations were laid down,western area could afford comfortable living conditions and attractive business-starting virgin-lands.On top of this,the international political and economic order will definitely be replaced by ecological one sooner or later,which means western area will be a fountainhead in regard to its abundant energy sources and plentiful biological species.Locating on a connection point of the Belt and Road,western area is standing on the threshold of Zero-carbon Era.The innovation-emerging paradigm,not the innovation-driven type,will help to fulfill this common mission.The most important thing to carry out the innovation-emerging mechanism is to foster lots of nimble and vivid micro-innovation-ecosystems(micro-IEs),which would offer more or less factors for entrepreneurs to formulate new production functions.Whereas,those innovation ecosystems should one hundred percent ensure that all the innovation behaviors will be protected and granted.On the other hand,those who wreck or destroy innovations should be punished,one hundred percent again.To conclude,the global turbulence of macro-order and the great target of national-rejuvenation,give a chance and allocate an assignment to western area simultaneously,calling for the shift of paradigm to innovation-emerging.Inevitably,western area will play an outstanding role in the process of Chinese-style Modernization.
作者 董铠军 DONG Kai-jun(School of Philosophy and Sociology,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《科学学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期1517-1524,1536,共9页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 教育部人文社科研究基金项目(18YJA840011) 深圳市人文社会科学重点研究基地成果。
关键词 欠发达地区 创新生态系统 范式突破 underdeveloped areas innovation ecosystems shifting of paradigm
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