

Academic Research and Reflecting on Zhang Zhongshi in Recent 90 Years
摘要 自1934年10月21日上海《中华日报》发表评论张仲实译著的《我们也希望得到那末一封信》文章始,至今学界对张仲实的研究已近90年。中华人民共和国成立之前,学者们发表在上海、北平、重庆、新疆等地的27篇文章,主要是对张仲实的译著斯大林《论民族问题》、普列汉诺夫《马克思主义的基本问题》等9部书籍及一篇论文的思想内容特点、理论与现实意义及译文质量的评论,而对张仲实生平经历、著译成就及思想人格作较为全面评价的唯有杜重远的一篇文章。中华人民共和国成立初期,仅有个别文章就张仲实有关经典著作的译文作了讨论,真正对张仲实的研究始于20世纪80年代。近40年来,除了整理出版两卷本、十二卷本《张仲实文集》外,已出版研究著作4部,发表文章百余篇。已有成果大体分为两类:一为与张仲实一起工作过的老同事的回忆文章,一为学者们的研究成果。其内容概括起来基本指向:高度肯定张仲实一生坚持不懈翻译、研究、出版马列主义著作,为在中国传播马克思主义做出的重大贡献;高度肯定他一生对党的事业忠心耿耿、勤勤恳恳、躬身率先,为党的理论建设和革命、建设事业奋斗不息的人格精神和道德风范;高度肯定他一生认真严谨、坚持真理、实事求是、理论联系实际的治学态度。反思近90年来的张仲实研究,一方面对张仲实翻译、研究、出版马克思主义著作的研究虽取得一定数量的成果,但研究的深度极其有限,至今尚未见到系统性的理论研究成果;另一方面,从研究的选题方向看,尚缺少对无产阶级革命家张仲实及其革命活动、人格精神、治学态度等等的探究。作为马克思主义传播者的杰出代表,张仲实的一生阅历丰富、理论贡献巨大,对他的研究是一个极具价值且有着广阔空间的领域。 Since October 21,1934,in Shanghai,Zhonghua Daily published a review of Zhang Zhongshi's translation of the article,entitled We Also Hope to Get Such a Letter,the academic circle has conducted research on Zhang Zhongshi for nearly 90 years.Before the founding of the People's Republic of China,scholars had published 27 articles in Shanghai,Beiping,Chongqing,Xinjiang and other places,mainly commenting on Zhongshi's ideological content characteristics,theoretical and practical significance and translation quality of his 9 translated works and one paper,including Stalin's On the National Question and Plekhanov's Fundamental Problems of Marxism.Du Chongyuan's article is the only one that makes a comprehensive evaluation of Zhang Zhongshi's life experience,achievements in writing and translation as well as his ideological personality.In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China,only a few articles discussed Zhang Zhongshi's translated classic works.The real research on Zhang Zhongshi began in the 1980s.In the past 40 years,4 research works and more than 100 papers and articles in addition to the two-volume and 12-volume Collected Works of Zhang Zhongshi have been published.The current achievements can be divided into two categories:the recollections of the old colleagues who worked together with Zhang Zhongshi,and the scholars' research achievements.In summary,the contents include the following points:highly affirming Zhang Zhongshi's great contribution to the dissemination of Marxism in China through his unremitting efforts in translating,researching and publishing Marxist-Leninist theoretical works;highly affirming his lifelong loyalty to the Party's cause,diligence,dedication to take the lead in the struggle for the Party's theoretical construction and revolutionary and construction of the personality spirit and moral demeanor;and highly affirming his academic attitude of being serious and rigorous,adhering to truth,seeking truth from facts and combining theory with practice.Reflecting on the recent 90 years' research on Zhang Zhongshi,on the one hand,although the research on Zhang Zhongshi's translation,research and publication of Marxist theoretical works has made a certain number of achievements,but the depth of the research is extremely limited,especially no systematic theoretical research results have been seen so far.On the other hand,from the perspective of research topic selection,there is still a lack of research on the proletarian revolutionary Zhang Zhongshi and his revolutionary activities,personality spirit,academic attitude and so on.As an outstanding representative of the disseminator of Marxism,Zhang Zhongshi's life experience is rich and colorful,and his theoretical contribution is extremely great.Research on Zhang Zhongshi is a field of great value and broad space.
作者 张积玉 ZHANG Jiyu(School of Journalism and Communication,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China)
出处 《唐都学刊》 2023年第5期5-17,共13页 Tangdu Journal
基金 国家出版基金项目:“张仲实文集(十二卷本)”(基金办[2014]1号)阶段性成果之一 陕西省社会科学界重大理论与现实问题研究课题:“张仲实与马克思主义在中国的传播研究”(2020DS013)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 张仲实研究 马克思主义传播 经典著作翻译 研究述评 research on Zhang Zhongshi the spread of Marxism translation of classical works research review
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