

Species distribution pattern and formation mechanism of mangrove plants around the South China Sea
摘要 环南海区域是围绕中国南海的陆地形成的相对独立的半封闭地理单元,分为华南沿海、台湾岛、海南岛、中南半岛、马来半岛、加里曼丹岛(婆罗洲)、巴拉望岛、吕宋岛等8个地区。环南海区域是全球红树植物分布最集中的区域之一。为了揭示红树物种在环南海区域的地理分布格局及其形成原因,该研究通过文献和网站等确定环南海区域及全球主要红树分布区的物种分布点,并用Arc GIS绘制分布图;利用DIVA-GIS7.5.0构建红树科、锦葵科、海桑属(Sonneratia)、海榄雌属(Avicennia)等4个典型红树植物类群的1°×1°物种多样性分布格局。红树物种的迁移历史及路线主要通过在ISI Web of Science查找文献,通过文献整合揭示环南海区域红树物种的迁移规律及主要影响因素。主要结果有:(1)环南海区域分布有真红树39种、半红树14种,红树物种数量仅次于邻近的大洋洲及新几内亚,远高于全球其他区域;环南海区域的马来半岛和加里曼丹岛红树物种多样性最高,其次是中南半岛、海南岛和吕宋岛,巴拉望岛红树物种多样性最低。(2)环南海区域红树物种都是广布种,这可能是因为南海在夏季和冬季具有完全不同的洋流方向和季风方向,促进了红树植物在环南海区域的长距离扩散。(3)南海北部和南部的洋流存在一定的内循环,导致海漆(Excoecariaagallocha)、蜡烛果(Aegicerascorniculatum)和榄李(Lumnitzera racemosa)等真红树物种在中南半岛金兰湾、巴拉望岛北端连线的两侧出现了相对隔离的遗传谱系。(4)南海海平面在更新世曾下降了120m左右,深刻影响了环南海区域红树植物的分布格局及迁移路线。建议未来的研究利用现代分子生物学技术解析整个环南海区域的代表性红树类群的谱系地理学格局,以揭示该区域红树植物演化历史及其在全球气候变化影响下的变迁趋势。 Aims The region around the South China Sea is a relatively independent semi closed geographical unit,which can be divided into eight areas,including the coast of South China,Hainan Island,Taiwan Island,Indo-China Peninsula,Malay Peninsula,Kalimantan Island,Palawan Island,and Luzon Island.The region around the South China Sea is one of the regions with the most concentrated distribution of mangrove plants in the world.This study aims to explore the geographical distribution pattern and the underlying mechanisms of mangrove species in the eight regions around the South China Sea.Methods Species richness and distribution of mangrove in the region around the South China Sea and other regions worldwide were obtained through extensive literature survey and mapped with ArcGIS.Species distribution map with 1°×1°grid of four typical mangrove taxa,i.e.Rhizophoraceae,Malvaceae,Sonneratia,Avicennia,were drawn by DIVA-GIS 7.5.0.The migration history and route and its main influencing factors were explored through literature survey in ISI Web of Science.Important findings(1)There are 39 species of true mangroves and 14 species of semi-mangroves distributed in this region,mostly distributed in Malay Peninsula,Kalimantan Island,Hainan Island,Indo-China Peninsula,Luzon Island.(2)All mangrove species are widespread in the region,which may be caused by the fact that South China Sea has completely different ocean current and monsoon directions in summer and winter,promoting the long-distance dispersals of mangrove plants.(3)There is a certain internal circulation in the northern and southern parts of the South China Sea,and resulting in the appearance of relatively isolated genetic lineages on both sides of the line connecting Cam Ranh Bay and the northern tip of Palawan Island,especially for the true mangroves such as Excoecaria agallocha,Lumnitzera racemose and Aegiceras corniculatum.(4)The sea level decreased by about 120 m during the Pleistocene,which profoundly affected the distribution pattern and migration route of mangroves in the region.In the future,phylogeographical studies using updated molecular technology,especially genomic data,is suggested to explore the dispersal history of mangrove plants and their future evolutionary trend under global climate change.
作者 杨鑫 任明迅 YANG Xin;REN Ming-Xun(Key Laboratory of Agro-Forestry Environmental Processes and Ecological Regulation of Hainan Province,Center for Terrestrial Biodiversity of the South China Sea,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
出处 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期1105-1115,共11页 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
基金 海南省重大科技计划项目(ZDKJ202008-1-2) 国家自然科学基金(41871041)。
关键词 物种多样性 长距离迁移 洋流 季风 物种分化 species diversity long-distance dispersal ocean currents monsoon species differentiation
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