
碳中和背景下全球关键清洁能源技术发展现状 被引量:2

Development status of global key clean energy technologiesin the context of carbon neutrality
摘要 在全球碳中和背景下,世界主要经济体相继发布碳中和战略,积极推进清洁能源技术研发。本文基于国际能源署清洁能源数据库,从技术领域、技术成熟度、净零排放重要性、主要技术国家和不同领域技术领先国家五个维度进行研究分析,以探究清洁能源技术重点研发领域及技术领先国家。研究发现:(1)明确了全球碳中和背景下的十大清洁能源技术重点研发领域。(2)锁定了建筑业、能源转型、交通运输业、CO_(2)基础设施和工业五个领域的技术领先国家。(3)梳理了我国清洁能源技术的优势领域。在此基础上,结合我国清洁能源技术发展现状,从前沿技术、研发布局、国际合作等角度提出政策建议。研究结果对我国清洁能源技术研发布局和科技政策制定提供了参考和启示。 In the context of global carbon neutrality,the world's major economies have successively issued carbon neutrality strategies and actively promoted the research and development of clean energy technologies.The increase in research and development intensity and the shortening of research and development cycles will further promote the rapid development of the clean energy industry.The In⁃ternational Energy Agency(IEA)focuses on the key clean energy technologies required to achieve global net zero emissions,and has constructed a database covering 444 key clean energy technologies through sorting and compilation.Research and analysis are carried out in five dimensions:the importance of net zero emissions,major technology countries,and technology leaders in different fields to explore key research and development areas of clean energy technology and technology leaders.The study found:(1)The ten clean energy technology research and development areas that have received the most attention in the world in the context of carbon neutrality are identified in order:direct air capture,CO_(2)storage,ammonia,synthetic hydrocarbon fuels,CO_(2)transportation,electricity,hydro⁃gen energy,chemicals/plastics,biofuels and iron/steel.(2)The technology leaders in five fields of construction,energy transition,transportation,CO_(2)infrastructure and industry were sorted out.The buildings sector covers the United States and Japan;the energy transformation sector covers the United States,Japan,Germany,France,and the United Kingdom;the transport sector covers the U⁃nited States,China,Germany,and South Korea;the CO_(2)infrastructure sector covers the United States,Norway,Canada,and the Netherlands;the industry sector covers the United States,Germany,the United Kingdom,the Netherlands.(3)Locked in the areas of advantages of my country's clean energy technology.China has technological advantages in three sub-fields of power,cooling/heating and road.The power sub-field is concentrated in the solar photovoltaic and nuclear energy industries,the cooling/heating sub-field is concentrated in the air heat pump,and the road sub-field is concentrated in the electric vehicle.On this basis,combined with the development status of clean energy technology in my country,on the one hand,we should sys⁃tematically deploy scientific and technological breakthroughs in the field of clean energy technology,strengthen the large-scale promo⁃tion of relatively mature clean energy technologies such as photovoltaics and wind power,increase hydrogen energy,fuel cells,nuclear energy and The key technologies for clean energy such as biomass energy are tackled,while the clean utilization and energy efficiency improvement of fossil energy such as coal,oil and natural gas are emphasized.On the other hand,we should make use of the advanta⁃ges of the new national system,focus on the key sectors of the"dual carbon"strategy,target the backward areas of key clean energy technologies,integrate multiple forces to carry out coordinated research,and actively build a new international technology with the"four promotions"as the cooperation policy cooperation mechanism.The research results provide reference and enlightenment for China's clean energy technology research and development layout and science and technology policy formulation.
作者 王超 孙福全 许晔 WANG Chao;SUN Fu-quan;XU Ye(Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《科学学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1604-1614,共11页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 中国博士后科学基金(2021M693105) 国家社会科学基金重大研究专项(21VGQ003) 财政专项课题《创新型国家建设监测和政策研究支撑》。
关键词 清洁能源技术 科技创新 碳中和 能源转型 clean energy technology technological innovation carbon neutrality energy transition
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