

Genetic polymorphism analysis of 37 Y-STR motifs and its application in the inference of the ethnic origin of Han Chinese population in southern Fujian
摘要 目的 基于37个Y-STR基因座探究闽南地区汉族人群的遗传多态性,并评估这些基因座的法医学效能,为闽南地区汉族人在法庭科学、父系关系评估和族源推断等领域提供数据支撑。方法 收集闽南地区汉族421例健康无关男性个体的血液样本,采用MicroreaderTM Y Prime Plus ID System试剂盒测定37个Y-STR基因座分型,计算基因座的等位基因频率、基因多态性、单倍型多态性等法医学参数,同时基于遗传距离结果制作MDS图和系统进化树,分析闽南地区汉族群体与其他参考群体的遗传关系。结果 在421名闽南地区汉族个体中,共检出417个等位基因,等位基因频率分布范围为0.002 4~0.786 2。37个Y-STR基因座的基因多态性分布在0.345 2~0.951 6,群体遗传学分析结果表明闽南地区汉族群体与东南沿海地区的汉族群体有较近的遗传距离。结论 37个Y-STR基因座在闽南地区汉族群体中具有较好的遗传多态性,可以为闽南地区汉族父系亲缘关系的鉴定和家系排查提供有力的数据支撑。 Objective To explore the genetic polymorphism of Han Chinese population in southern Fujian based on 37 Y-STR loci and evaluate the forensic efficacy of these loci,providing data support for Han Chinese in southern Fujian in the fields of court science,paternity assessment and ethnic origin inference.Methods Blood samples were collected from 421 healthy unrelated male individuals of Han Chinese in the southern Fujian region,and typing of the 37 Y-STR loci was determined using the MicroreaderTM Y Prime Plus ID System kit.Forensic parameters such as allele frequency,gene polymorphism,and haplotype polymorphism of the locus were calculated.The MDS diagrams and systematic evolutionary trees were produced based on the genetic distance results to analyze the genetic relationships between the Han population in southern Fujian and other reference populations.Results Among the 421 Han individuals from the southern Fujian region,417 alleles had been detected,and the allele frequency distribution ranged from 0.0024 to 0.7862.The gene polymorphisms of the 37 Y-STR motifs were distributed from 0.3452 to 0.9516.The results of population genetic analysis indicated that the Han population in the southern Fujian region had a close genetic distance with the Han population in the southeastern coastal region.Conclusion The 37 Y-STR motifs have good genetic polymorphism in the Han population of southern Fujian region,which can provide data support for the identification of patrilineal kinship and family lineage exclusion of Han in southern Fujian region.
作者 俞皓麒 吴德清 柳佳彤 陈博旭 李卓言 苑美青 贾振军 Yu Haoqi;Wu Deqing;Liu Jiatong;Chen Boxu;Li Zhuoyan;Yuan Meiqing;Jia Zhenjun(People's Public Security University of China,Beijing,100038;Jin Jiang Public Security Bureau,Jinjiang,362200;Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics,Institute of Forensic Science,Ministry of Public Security,Beijing,100038)
出处 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 2023年第5期501-506,515,共7页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine
基金 中国人民公安大学刑事科学技术双一流创新研究专项(2023SYL06)。
关键词 法医遗传学 遗传多样性 Y-STR 闽南地区汉族 Forensic genetics Genetic diversity Y-STR Han Chinese in Southern Fujian
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