
社会与市场的联动:市场经营社会的模式划分与运作逻辑——以社会养老服务供给为例 被引量:3

Linkage between the Society and the Market: Models and the OperationalLogic of the Market-run Society in the Perspective of the Old-age Care Services
摘要 市场经营社会是社会与市场的联动方式,也是一种约束性市场工具和新型市场经济形态。其主要指通过市场主体以及市场规则推动社会成长、实现社会目标,包括社会组织发育发展、提供多元化社会服务等,进而推进社会与市场动态均衡互动。以社会养老服务供给为例,运作模式可以划分为遵循市场规则的市场主导型、以实现社会目标为主的社会主导型、党政社企多种目标并重的多元共治型。互助志愿团队或社群、社会组织或社区、核心企业、企业群等四层组织形态的差异化组合运转构成其运作逻辑,包括企业经营社群、企业与社区/社会组织合作制衡、二者兼具等。面向未来,建议建立系统协同的资源依赖体系,推动承载市场主导和社会主导的多元共治型市场经营社会模式发展。 The market-run society is one type linking the society with the market,and also a restrictive market tool and an economic form of a new market.The market-run society relies on the market itself and market rules to promote the social development,and realize social goals such as the construction and development of social organizations and the supply of multi-level social services while promoting the dynamic and balanced interaction between the society and the market.In terms of providing socially old-age services,the operation models of the market-run society include the market-led type by following the market rules,the society-led type by realizing the social goals,and the polycentric governance type by realizing different goals of the Party,the government,the community and the enterprises.The differentiated combination by the four types of the mutual-aid volunteer teams or social groups,the social organizations or communities,the core enterprises and enterprise clusters constitutes its operational logic,including enterprise-running communities,enterprises/communities cooperating fairly with social organizations or maintaining balanced cooperation with each other dependent on the actual situations.For the future,it is necessary to establish a resource-dependent collaborative system,and develop a polycentric co-governing market-run model with both the market-led and society-led features.
作者 刘妮娜 程士强 LIU Nina;CHENG Shiqiang(School of Humanities and Social Sciences,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China;School of Sociology and Psychology,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期80-87,共8页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“互联网金融风险的空间流动性与治理机制研究”(20CSH065)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2022FR002)阶段成果。
关键词 社群经营 组织培育 多元共治 互助志愿 养老服务 community management organizational cultivation polycentric governance mutual-aid and volunteerism old-age care services
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